Horny 13 year olds

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I'm just honestly disappointed to what the world's generation of kids is slowly becoming to honestly. And I don't mean that to sound edgy, I'm just really disappointed.

Besides other things and other stuff, we have 11-13 year old horny kids out here sex role playing and doing other inappropriate stuff that they shouldn't be doing when they're supposed to be doing things unlike being sexual.

I don't just mean that for just this app either, it happens at other places and even in real life. I'm ranting about this because this shit happened to me a few hours ago but,

I had some fucking 13 year old French girl on discord from a server I'm in act friendly with me and tell me that she wanted to send a picture of herself.

By picture, I thought that she just meant a simple selfie since she wanted to be friends with me. Instead she sent me a pic of her in her so called "school swimsuit" that anyone would be able to see through. I was really embarrassed and felt awkward since I thought that she couldn't see her own boobs showing.

So I told her and gave her a warning in case she would let anyone see, but she didn't seem to care. After she talked about her sport for a few seconds, she asked me

"Do you like my chest? :p"

Keep in mind that I'm taken. I felt awkward and grossed out that she asked me this and told her that I didn't know how to respond since I'm taken. She said, "it's fine. It's just between us"

I honestly thought that she meant that in a way of saying, "Oh we're both girls so it's fine." Or that she won't do it again. I got even more creeped out because she sent me a picture of her in lingerie undergarments that a kid her age shouldn't even be wearing.

I questioned why she was sending me photos like that of herself and she said that she likes showing herself off. I told her that she should be careful because there's fucking sickos out there that would more than likely keep and do anything with pictures like that. Especially grown ups,

She said that she did it since I was a good person. Even if I wouldn't expose her though, I told her that I wouldn't do that but that it's still dangerous because she just met me.

After that she thanked me and then it just got completely disgusting because she sent me a nude photo of herself. I felt extremely uncomfortable and awkward and asked her to stop since I didn't know how to feel about it.

But she just asked me please since she was horny so again, I told her that I'm taken. She said that I can show my own boyfriend her pictures but I said no. Then she said that she would show me a picture of her nasty ass sucking on someone's cock.

I told her that it wasn't necessary to do and after that she stopped texting and went offline. It was suspicious though since she looked like a grown up,

I'd show screenshots but I don't want anyone to see naked pictures of someone. Especially of a kid.

Even if I'm mad at her for not backing off and escalating her pictures of herself quickly, it makes me sad to see that she would think that doing something like this would be okay and just do it for people she's barely even met.

And that doesn't just go out for her, it goes out for other kids who do the same bull shit as her.

I mean, I see fucking dumbass 12-13 year old kids sex role playing on here because they're horny or they do dumb stuff.

Fuck, kids are even sending nudes at this age or having sex and are constantly horny and  it's just really sad and disappointing.

You're supposed to be enjoying life, figuring out who and what you want to be, seeing what interests and inspires you, learning from things, experiencing the world that life gives to you.

Not going on your electronics 24/7 for some random ass horny pedophile that has no life and is a degenerate or boy/girl that can't control their hormones that wants to fuck you all the time each and every day.

Or send naked photos to some pubescent freak that claims to "love you" when in reality they're just horny fucking perverts that'll take advantage of you!

Some of you may say that I don't understand shit and some of you that are 13 probably think that since it's true and you think that you're all so mature and that it's fine.

Guess what? It isn't fine. You're still growing and In your rebellious stage of teenage years (which is the stupid part of being a teenager). You're not a grown up just yet, nor are you mature.

So get that "I can make decisions for myself" thought out of your god damn dense brain. You're still a child that shouldn't be doing such things like this.

If anyone who does this is reading this, if I were to be your parent and found out that you did things like this, I'd honestly be hurt and sad that I wasn't able to protect you from such things and angry at myself for that.

But hey, not all parents can protect children from the terrible and disgusting things or people out in this world. Some have to learn it the hard way than others, and some parents are stupid and just decide to leave their children out drowning in that sort of situation without a care.

That still gives you no right to do this though. And I hope that you guys who do this be careful out there and don't sell yourself out just like that. It isn't gonna do you any good in the long run...

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