Yandere Simulator

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I have my pros and cons for this game, mostly cons though. Some are for the game and others are for the developer as we know to be Yandere Dev.

Honestly, I think some stuff about Yandere Simulator is cool. I like the whole idea of it too, putting yourself in a love sick obsessed girl's shoes and how she deals with her rivals who try to take her lover away is a really interesting game idea to me.

Although, the thing I don't like about Yandere Simulator is though.. (even though there's a lot I don't like)

Is that it isn't necessarily about that fully. No offense to Yandere Dev, but instead of making this game focus on one thing which is the main character of the game and stuff. He just added stuff like the ghost girl, why the club leader of the school girl is gone, and other stuff that just makes the game look..all edgy and like a weeaboo story.

Then again, he does look like a weaboo and in fact is a weeaboo that acts like a 14 year old. I mean, get mad at me all you want but most of us know that Yandere Dev is kind of a dick already.

Not to mention one thing that I really dislike is Ayano's backstory. It just completely pisses me off that she was just "not normal" when she was born. It's like, come on! At least give her an interesting backstory that we can look into to see why she fell in love with Taro.

For example, you can at least probably make Ayano have abandonment issues and make her become friends with Taro and secretly hiding her true feelings from Osana and the others while wanting to kill them because she doesn't want Taro to abandon her which is why she feels empty.

But her whole story of her feeling empty for no absolute reason and her being "born that way" is just really..ugh, stupid and cringey. Because it's like how all other attention hungry people are like.

Also, if you see the video in this chapter then that's what I wanted to discuss.

The fact that Yandere Dev has had this game since what, 2014 at least? And still hasn't gotten Osana into the game yet is absolutely disappointing to me. You could've at least made Kokona a rival at this point since you were testing her out for it.

But her daily routine is just so upsetting too. Like you're going to make Rival-Chan follow her all day? In my opinion, Yandere Dev should've made Rival-Chan at least spend some time with Osana instead of following her everywhere. And if Taro is Osana's childhood friend couldn't you at least split his and Rival-Chan's time with her?

Or better yet, give Osana more friends for her? Like does Osana literally have to only follow Rival-Chan and Taro around while not doing anything else?

What makes me even more mad is the fact that he put a shitty horribly edited wooden balcony behind the cherry tree when Osana confesses her love to Taro just so you won't kill her. It's like,

"Oh don't mind us to you confessing your love Osana! We're just gonna draw right here! On this shitty balcony!"

The least you could've done was have the player be able to kill her at some certain time and challenge the player to get rid of her body before Taro walks over and sees. Or! You could've kidnapped her and maybe force her into apologizing to Taro that she couldn't show up to the cherry blossom tree on Friday because she changed her mind when in reality you broke her that far to manipulating her to do that.

That would've been more fun.

Not only that, but since Yandere Dev keeps adding all of this shit to the game to make the player unable to kill Osana that easily or adding some stupid anime shit like he did last time. Well,


Ugh, that just annoys me that he doesn't realize that either and gets annoyed at people's ideas for the game to at least make it better. Honestly though if I was some sort of Game Developer and in Yandere Dev'a shoes,

I'd at least get all of the other weeaboo shit out of the game since it isn't about that or at least give some history that Ayano could use About he school. I'd also give an actual backstory as to why Ayano is protective over Taro instead of some sort of "oh I'm empty and don't feel anything- *sees Taro* Nevermind! :)"

Then I'd give each of my rivals a backstory and give them a routine that they go through until confessing their love to Taro. If I decided to make the rivals that come along more challenging, I'd give the player more time to figure out how to get rid of that rival and find more about the rival.

The characters would also have interesting things about them and you could try finding more about them and maybe even manipulate them into doing your "dirty work" for your rivals.

As for the delinquents...honestly what kind of thug looking ass would walk around school!? I would think that the school councilor or principal would get rid of those little shits!

If you're going to add them to the game at least give them a routine of what they do. Like you could add one delinquent to a school and maybe have Ayano try getting close to them enough to see what he and the others do not on school grounds. Then you can do the whole kidnapping stuff and the situation with one of the delinquent's brothers.

But no, instead just add a ghost girl, make the principal weird, make Ayano edgy for no ABSOLUTE reason, and make Osana always go around with Taro and have Rival-Chan following her like a creep instead of having other things to do in life.

It's just..ew. There's more that I would say if I was in Yandere Dev's shoes but eh, it's not my game.

Sorry if I seemed harsh, it's just that this game is kind of stupid even if it's interesting animation and stuff to it. The update even made me angry since the idiot didn't even add the first rival to the game yet since he's creating more shit to prevent you to kill her and adding even more shit over and over again.

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