Chapter 1

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"They said you'll be happy."
Chapter 1

"Are you really okay?" Mina pressed her chin against her palm, staring into your eyes with a glum face.
You groaned, pressing the palms of your hands into your eyes.

"No, not really." You sighed.

Out of all the days, you had to get kicked out of your home; it's ironic really.
How the day you needed your paycheck the most, the landlady decided you didn't deserve to sleep under a roof anymore.

It's sad.

But honestly your life has always been full of misfortune; full of mistakes.
Sometimes you'd ponder to yourself why it was you; was it your past life, or, what bad deed did you do to deserve such hell?

Standing up from your seat, you plastered a smile across your face, in attempt to fake the way you really felt.

"It's alright, I'll sleep in a hotel for now." You assured, pressing your lips into a thin line.

Nothing beats sleeping in a crusty hotel with piss and stains.

You internally gag at the thought.

Mina poked her inner cheek with her tongue, rolling her eyes.

"Are you sure? I can lend—" you rose your hand up, stopping her from speaking anymore.

"Hotel is fine." You repeated.

She groaned, caving in.

"Alright, I guess I'll see you tomorrow then." Standing up as well, you watched as her hands slinked through the straps of her purse, raising it to fall gently against her shoulder.

"Goodnight, Y/N." She squeezed your shoulder subtly, before walking pass you.

Trailing after her, the sound of the cafe's door closing behind you was probably the last peaceful thing you'll hear for the rest of the night.


Mentally cursing yourself, you stumbled across the empty roads in fatigue.
Sweat trickled down your neck, you were breathless and frankly, over exhausted.

Your phone is dead.

You lost track of where the hotel was.

And, sadly, you had no money on you either.

Just a luggage, and an empty wallet with your ID.

"Fucking hell." You grumbled, yanking your luggage along beside you. Its already pass midnight, the day was going to appear faster than you thought.

Looking ahead, a wash of relief falls over you, seeing an empty bench sitting not too far away.
The fact that there was a random bench sitting there alone, was weird.

But honestly you were too tired to care.

Staggering towards the bench, you collapsed against the cold metal seat; blowing out a puff of hot air.

"No one will care." You whispered, your eyelids felt heavy.

You knew it was bad to sleep in the midst of the streets, who knew what could pass through the night. Sitting up straight, your shoulders drooped.

"Can't—" you shriek, feeling the ground from underneath you crumble; the bench falling backwards; tumbling into the dark forests behind you. Losing your balance, you ended up following the trail left behind; the dark blue night blotting black as your consciousness slipped away.

Replaced with nothing, but darkness.

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