Chapter 23

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"The end is near, or rather, it's already here."
Chapter 23

[Grand Finale Part 2 of 2]

Kim Taehyung.

You recognized the man immediately, the man who saved you on the street that day when you ran from Lucifer's house. He was an oddball, but he was definitely mysterious.
He was just as mischievous than you.

Luc's gaze drifted towards Taehyung's who returned the same look, however, more innocent than it should've been. His box smile appearing wide on his face as a shimmer of something flashes through the darkness of his eyes.

"Good evening sir, what would you like to drink tonight?" He smiled calmly, eyes turning into crescents.

To your surprise, you'd have expected him to buy the golden champagne, but the words that came out of his mouth were just, "Do I know you?"

Taehyung raises an eyebrow, a bemused chuckle escaping his lips as he placed the menu on the table.
"I don't believe so. You must be mistaking me for someone else." He bowed politely.

Though his words seemed persuading, his face tells you otherwise. You let go of Luc's hand and folded your napkin; letting it lay on the table as a smile curves the corners of your mouth.

"Pleased to meet you again, Taehyung." You extended out a hand for him to shake. He turns to you and stares at your open hand for a good minute before his soft fingers glided it's way towards yours, taking your hand in his, he shook it diligently before letting go.

"Of course, I cant forget a gorgeous face that I got to look at in my car." He slyly said.

Averting your eyes to Luc's immediately, panic rises in your chest as his eyes turned dark. Luc's hands curled into a fist, his jaw clenched together tightly.
"Y/N, what is he talking about?" He turned to you, his expression set in stone. You swallow thickly, feeling a lump form in your throat as cold sweat begun to thicken in the back of your neck.

Big mistake Y/N.

Taehyung turned to Luc, smiling once again.
"I found her stranded on the street awhile back, hmm... she was quite injured indeed." He rubbed his chin with his hand slightly before standing straight to cross his arms over his chest in a triumphant manner.

"She was so gorgeous, I just couldn't help myself. The damsel in distress needs a knight. Am I right, Y/N-ssi?" About to open your mouth to speak, your stopped once again as he raises his hand to talk once more.

"However, my heart broke because you rejected me. It was quite unpleasant, really. I don't like you Y/N, I never will." Taehyung's calm demeanor had fallen cold, his eye smile disappearing as his vile eyes bore bullets into your body.

His voice was so calm it gave you goosebumps.

On the other hand, Luc has stood up in his seat, within seconds of his fury; you watched in horror as Taehyung's entire body is dropped against the table. Shattering the wood, causing plates to break everywhere.

Screams emit from the nearby customers, and other servers, a chaotic opening.

"Awh man." Taehyung groaned, letting out a dry chuckle as Luc's arm is raised into a tight fist.

"How dare you?" Luc snarled.

"How dare me? Damn, your punches haven't gotten any weaker have they." Taken aback, Luc's eyebrows furrow in confusion.

You stood abruptly, attempting to pull Luc away but your body is stunned still as the feeling of something cold and sharp presses against the side of your neck.

In front of you, Luc's eyes were wide in shock.

Taehyung, was gone.

"That's bound to give me bruises you fucker." His snarl, deep into your ear.

Inhaling sharply, you bite your lip in fear as Taehyung held the cold knife closer against your neck.

"T-Taehyung." Tears welled in your eyes.

Luc was no longer Luc at this point, his nose flared in anger; the sight of his eyes going cold and dark was even more petrifying than last time. He stood straight, fists tightly closed, as his eyes met yours with a certain look you will never forget.

The same eyes he held, when he lost Lilith.

"Ooh~ the king finally awakened." Taehyung chuckled, clicking his tongue in a coy manner.

"Azazel, will you take another one?" Lucifer spoke, with gritted teeth.

Azazel? not Taehyung..but Azazel?

It all clicked together. The coincidences, his confusing words. Everything about his actions made sense now.
A devil of a laugh escapes Azazel's lips, the knife digging deeper into your neck; to the point you were clawing at his arms to be set free as tears streamed down your cheeks.

"I'm not going to kill her, Lucifer." Azazel paused, leaning close, his lips found its way to your bloody neck.

"I'm just going to slowly, drain her."

[Lucifer's POV]

He was helpless, unable to move as even the slightest of movement would cause that revolting knife to dig deeper into her skin.
Loss. Was this what it felt like? A painful memory that only seemed to repeat.

"What do you want from me, Azazel?" He tried to reason.

The sight of her body shaking, eyes wide in fear as her blood slowly seeped into her clothing; caused his blood to boil. Not again, please not again.

Azazel removed the knife from her neck, a malicious smile etched his face.

"What I want?..." Azazel hummed, trailing the knife down her body.

"I want nothing."

Maybe it was painful to lose one, maybe it was heartbreaking to see it happen once. But to see it twice was worse than a nightmare. When the knife, dug into her stomach with ease; when her body had fallen limp in the hands of his enemy and her eyes rolled back in her head.
Lucifer knew.

This wasn't earth anymore.

This.  Was the pit of hell itself.

When the room swirled in its own ring of Fire, and the sight of everything burning around him appears like a blaze of light.
All that's left, was an empty room filled with charred bodies that didn't escape.


The words that were written in her blood, saying something he had hoped to never see again.

"Til death, do us apart; Lucifer."

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