Chapter 2

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"Do You Like To Be Deceived?"
Chapter 2

There's nothing better than falling into the depths of the woods only to get lost.
Waking up not even hours ago, your head pounded heavily, and your body throbbed in places you didn't expect it to.

Limping across the dirt, you found yourself going from tree to tree; only to collapse ever so often.
You groaned, leaning your back against the hard woods of the oak tree; blood seeping from your forehead.

If there's anything you knew, you knew that you felt like someone poured acid over your body.
You hated it, the feeling, the pain, just everything.

Just why was it you?

Falling forward onto the ground, you lay still; feeling the cold leaves press against the side of your face, unbothered by the soil sticking to your skin.

Even if it hurt, you couldn't really feel much anymore.

The last thing you wanted was to die in the middle of a forest, unknown to your surroundings. Just the thought of being a soul wandering in vain, lost in the forest forever, made tears pool in your eyes.

You don't want to die.

Not yet.

Forcing yourself up from the ground, a cry of pain escaped your lips, the feeling of something stabbing you right in the leg hits you almost as if a truck did. But no matter, you staggered across the green fields; pushing your way through plenty of shrubs and much taller trees. In which the branches poked your sides tenderly, scratch marks trailed your skin.

Leaving bruises and even longer slashes.

Coming farther into the forest; you fall through once more, collapsing onto the floor.

Un-realizing the steep hill that hid beneath the bedding of the earth's grounds.

"Ugh!" You writhed, clutching your sides.

It was already bad enough to have fallen twelve feet into nothing but pointy branches and a metal bench; but falling again was even worse.
Everything that touched you became magnified ten fold.

Laying there for a couple more minutes, the suffering ceased to an end; though only temporarily.

Squinting your eyes open, the sight of a brilliant blue sky; clear of trees comes into view.

How could that even be?

You swayed forward, the bright sun blistering your eyes as you recognized your surroundings.
Although you knew this was a Forest, seeing a black mansion just standing idly within was much greater of a shock.

Gated in iron rods, the outdoor natures of shrubs and even bigger trees—of who knows how long— were cleanly cut. Fresh, and bright vibrant green.

Someone obviously lived in the premises.

You faltered in each step, coming closer towards the gate.


And even more closer.

Until the touch of the cold metal singed the heat in your palm; cooling the fiery heap that swelled in your nerves.

It was almost calming.

To the left of you, you eyed the call button; unsure if you should even try to bother the owner of the place anyway.

But either way, you yearned for something other than the earth at this time.

Jamming your thumb against the silk pad of the button, you pressed and pressed until your arms became heavy.

"Please, someone." You begged tiresome; losing the energy to even stand anymore. Feeling your strength seep out of your body, you weakly fell towards the floor, your legs giving out almost as quick as your consciousness.

You expected to fall straight towards the ground, face first—again— but oddly, there was nothing.

The smallest feeling of strong forearms wrapped around your waist shocks the blotted darkness into nothing but clear green grass.

You lifted your head weakly, the blob of ebony and a face of nothing but blankness becoming clear to your eyes.

The man tilted his head to the side, a clear curve of his lips evident on his face.
"Who gave you permission to collapse on my front yard?"

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