Chapter 11

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"He's nothing without you."
Chapter 11

The room returned back to normal as the touch of Lilith's fingers lingered against your cheeks.

Collapsing onto your knees, a tear slid down your cheek unknowingly as an ache in your heart erupted your emotions.

You raised your hand, touching the tear, letting the smallest drop hang on your finger.

You had no reason to cry.

But seeing her, feeling her emotions...
She had gone into something worse than just being alone.

She felt tragic.

Gazing at the room, Lilith's body remained on the floor; the surroundings unchanged.

"Y-Y/N...?" You looked to the side, where Luc was; his arms were limp against his sides as he stared at you wide eyed.

"Luc..." you spoke hoarsely, unable to grasp words at this point.

Feeling lightheaded, you reached forward attempting to grasp for him; but you grabbed nothing.

As your body hits the floor, the last thing you saw in sight; was the face, of Lilith's pure anguish.

[Two Days Later]

There's not many things in this world besides nature's green, human's defilement, and more misery.

Maybe you could save one, save a hundred.

But have you ever stopped to think about..the thousands that lost too?

You stared out lifelessly into the green scenery, the smell of pure lilacs and mixed roses of all colors fume strongly in your nose.

You lost the ability to feel anything at this point.

As the days passed on, dawn became day before you even knew it...
You didn't sleep a wink.

In your hand, your fingers squeeze the thin metal of your phone.

Unable to charge it, you played with the dead device; occasionally, you'd come to think about Mina.

About your work.

About everything.

But in the end you found yourself revolving back him.

And her words.

Save him.

Save, Lucifer.

The oddity of it, how such a great woman can rely on you. How she can trust you so easily, but inside, you're afraid.

You're more than afraid.

You're terrified.

The limits, the options, the time that you had.
What if it wasn't enough...?

"You've been out here long." You snapped out of your daze, feeling a hand wrap around you shoulder.

Looking back, Luc stood, bags under his eyes.

It seemed he hadn't slept either.

In fact, he spent most of his nights tending to Lilith's room, burying her properly, and cleaning more until everything was squeaky.

Like something inside him snapped.

Averting your gaze back to the field of flowers, you leaned your head against his hand in which laid against your shoulder.

"Isn't it beautiful Luc..." you exhaled softly, closing your eyes to reminisce in the moment.

"Losing yourself in this."

Raising your head, you slowly opened your eyes to admire the scenery once more, feeling the same heavy feeling come back.

"It feels good to drown."

Hearing his footsteps as it crunches the grass from beneath his bare feet, you kept your gaze forward as he sat beside you; his hand subtly brushing yours.

"It's not beautiful." Luc sighed.

You tilted your head to stare at his perfect face, as he leaned his head back and closed his eyes.

"It can't be beautiful..." he let the words hang.
Feeling your heart ache, you let the tears fall freely without saying anything.

"Why?" You squeeze the words out, clutching the hem of your shirt tightly. You don't want to hear his answer.

He opened his eyes, his dark brown hues coming to stare into yours as a smile slowly formed on the curves of his lips.

"Because when you drown too long," he paused, raising his hand, he wiped your tears as it streamed down your cheeks.

"You become lonely."

"You become me."

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