Chapter 7

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"Dining with the devil is more than a pleasure."
Chapter 7

You yanked your wrist out of Luc's hold; your breathing hastening.

How can he appear.


Only to appear again, within a matter of seconds?

The math doesn't add up. None of it did. You narrowed your eyes at the man, confused at everything.

"What the hell are you?" You exhale harshly, unable to catch your breath. He stepped forward, coming into the sheer light that shone across the dim lit halls, a confused look on his face.

"What do you mean, what the hell am I?" He leaned down, thumb swiping across your bottom lip.

"I'm just your average man..." he smirked, recoiling backwards on his heels.

Average man?

"Bullshit." You hissed.

That's impossible; no average man can appear out of the shadows like that.
No average man can save you twice within a matter of seconds like that.
There's just no possible way.
His smile faltered, becoming nothing but a disappointed line.

"That's really sad, Y/N." He sighed.

"What is?"

"Just...I really thought for once..." he paused, circling you.

"I thought maybe after all these lonely years I could possibly heal my isolated heart."

Isolated heart...?

It was like an unsolvable riddle. His words made no sense, nor did it help the fact that it was intruding your mind.

"You're confusing me." You balled your hands into a tight fist.

You lunged forward, attempting to knock your knuckles into the side of his jaw; but just as you did, he disappears just as fast.

What the hell?

"That's rude." Luc's voice seethed nothing but angriness from behind you.

Your eyes went wide, twisting around in shock; he stood with nothing but malice in his eyes.

A grin of pure malevolence.

A complete opposite of what you've seen him to be so far.

It boggled your mind.

"H-how..." you faltered backwards, falling onto the floor; your entire body quivered in fear.

He squatted down, pressing his elbows into his knees as his eyes darkened in vile.

"You don't touch the devil." He snarled, reaching for you.

His fingers wrapped your neck tightly, squeezing until you couldn't breathe.

"Or he might just as well...kill you."

Unable to speak or breathe, you writhed in his grip.


Kicking at nothing but the air, as everything blotted dark.

Consciousness wasn't an option anymore.

Later 9:00 pm

"You don't mess with the devil...or he might as well kill you."

You woke with a start, your breathing rapid and your chest heaving.

A dream.


A nightmare.

Cold sweat dripped down your neck, your hands were shaking uncontrollably as you recurred the events of earlier.

Unconsciously, you reached to touch your neck in which his hands had wrapped around.
Tears pooled in your eyes.

He's terrifying.

Actually, he's worse than terrifying.
There was something about him that didn't make any sense; his demeanor and his actions were all off.

Somehow, even the wished to see him again. Even after what he did to you.
Staring blankly at your surroundings, it's clear that you're stuck in a bedroom.

A quite...overly large bedroom at that. The bed was big enough to fit three other people on it, and frankly, the room itself was much bigger than a living room.

Maybe even twice as big.

This man was beyond rich, he breathed gold.

Lifting the heavy comforter that snuggled your body, the sight of white bandages wrapping your wounds become more than just another mystery.

It was another answer.

Luc wasn't just different, he...cares too.
Almost like he were two different people.
If he would be angered he becomes merciless.
Yet when he is in a state of peace... he's kind but his honesty is cruel.

Flashbacks of the hours before come rolling into your mind.

Those exact words that he spoke, so solemnly, so depressing and yearning.

You squeezed the soft fabric in your hand.

He's missing something.

Something you wanted to know, something he wanted to have.


you stared into the door across the room; narrowing your eyes at the golden knob.

Solving it, would be harder than you think.

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