Chapter 19

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"Home is not her, it's him."
Chapter 19

Finding yourself laying down in the midst of a high end luxury hotel wasn't really the best idea.

You couldn't help yourself from staring around, feeling jealous, only to admire everything in the end.

This man was rich.

"I'm back." Your eyes flicked towards the door, where Luc came in; in his hands a bucket of ice and a couple of towels.

"Welcome back.." you mutter, looking away.
Ever since he told you he was happier, it was almost as if something inside you

Everything changed.

You placed your hand over your chest, feeling the heat against your cheeks.

Your heart was beating.

And, it wasn't just beating; it was thriving.

All because of a few words.

You turned on your side, avoiding Luc as you brought the covers of the blankets over your body.

"Y/N? Are you sleeping?" Your eyes go wide in panic.

You're not sleeping, no where near!

Pretending to close your eyes, your heart beats rapidly hearing Luc's footsteps get closer towards you.

The bed dips upon him sitting on it, your breath hitches feeling yourself almost roll over.

That is, until a pair of hands grasped onto your shoulder, preventing you from falling.

Opening your eyes, Luc was already staring at you.

"So you are awake." He snorted, releasing his hold on your shoulders.

"I— um..I am." You blushed, turning the other way.

"Why do you avoid me..?" He leaned over, peeping at you.

You curled yourself into a ball farther into the warmth of the blankets.

"Because you're dangerous.." you muffled against the comforter.

"What was that? I couldn't hear you." He pulled the blanket down, revealing your face a little.

Yanking the sheets back towards you, you shut your eyes tightly.

"Because you're dangerous!"

Flinching, you gasped as the softness of the blanket is ripped off of your body once again.

You hastily turned your head, but it was a bad

Luc. Was. So. Close.

You sucked in a breath, feeling the air in your lungs slowly slip away as the proximity of his face is too close for comfort.

He smiled.

"What's so dangerous about me?" He looked up, pondering.

"Is it..." he smirked, his finger traced your chin.

"Because I'm so irresistible?"

Leaning in closer, he brought his lips to your ear.

"Or is it because..." he paused, inhaling your scent a little.

"You already like me?"

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