Chapter 15

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"Love doesn't exist anymore."
Chapter 15

You leaned back into your seat, shoving his fingers off of your chin as anger slowly spread through you.

"I've just met you. Are you crazy?" You sneered, rubbing the sore spot he gave you.

Taehyung leaned back in his seat, changing the driving mode back to 'D' as the car begun to move again.

"I am crazy." He replied, barely a minute later.

His goofy smile appeared on his face again, confusing you.

He was almost like...a more controlled version of Luc.

You swallowed thickly, looking away as his name is repeated in your mind.

Lucifer; his name felt so much like home it begun to hurt.

"Hey, are you okay?" You flinched, feeling Taehyung's hand grab yours.

A giddy laugh escaped your lips as you wiped the tear away quickly, replacing your frowning lips with a forced smile you turned to look at him quickly.

"I'm perfectly fine." You pulled your hand away from his, clearing your throat.

Barely moments later, the sight of the edges of a black phone pop from the corner of your eyes.
Tilting your head in surprise, Taehyung held the phone with his fingers, letting it wobble in front of you.

"Well? I'm sure you have someone you want to call." He shoves the phone onto your lap.

"Th..thank you." You reluctantly picked up the smooth device, the screen automatically lighting up at your touch.

Dialing the only number you could remember at this point, you brought the phone to your ear as the call hummed.

Barely even hearing the second ring, a light pitched voice is heard from the other line.

"Hello?" Mina's accelerated voice sends you into a frenzy of mixed emotions.

"M-Mina..." Tears welled in your eyes upon hearing the familiar voice of your best friend.

You didn't realize you missed her this much.

"Y/N? Where the hell were you? Do you know how fucking worried I was you dipshit?" Her voice, full of worry.

"I know. I'm's a long story."

She sighed from the other side.

"Where are you? We'll talk about this later."

You gulped slightly, peeking your eyes at Taehyung, who, looked occupied on the road.

"Meet me at the cafe we always go to." You whispered slightly.

The line went silent.

"...alright. I'll meet you there."

Then the call ended.

Leaving you hearing a flat, eerie beep.

You didn't know what it was, but hearing it...made your stomach sink.

Letting your hand fall limp onto your lap, you closed your eyes, leaning back against the chair.

"Thank you." Your eyelids slightly opened, returning the phone back into the palm of Taehyung's hand.

He slinks it back into his pocket, his hand returning to the steering wheel.

"I suppose we go to the coffee shop then?" His voice became slightly indifferent.

Like...a voice of disappointment.

"Yeah, we are." You give him the directions, seeing as the cafe was barely even a block away.

Swerving towards the right, the sight of the familiar sign that read 'Cafe Home' becomes clearer as he drove closer.

And, the sight of your best friend standing outside the door; her face set in stone.

[Time Skip]

Uncomfortably shifting in your seat, you eyed you best friend warily as her eyes shot lasers into the man whom sat across from her.

Kim Taehyung smugly leaned back into his chair.

"Isn't this such a surprise?" He smirked, his eyes gleaming.

It was indeed.

This man wasn't just a stranger to Mina, it was her ex.

"Y/N. Why did you get in the car with him?" She turned to you, angrily pointing her index finger at Taehyung.

Raising your arms in defeat, you bite your lip sheepishly as guilt encompasses your face.

"He was nice..? But! I needed a car ride anyway and he was my only chance." You tried to reason; a pout forming on your lips.

Mina groaned, smacking her forehead with the palm of her hand in frustration.

"Why didn't you just call me to pick you up?"

Fumbling with your fingers, you averted your gaze towards the window.

" phone was dead."

Again, she whined, her shoulders drooping.

She turned, forcefully, facing Taehyung again. Her eyebrows curving deeply, creasing her skin.

"Don't. You. Dare. Touch. My. Friend." She spoke sternly, venom in her words.

You watched as she stood up, blowing out a long breath; before plastering a smile on her face.

"If you'll excuse me, I need to go to the bathroom." She excused herself, sassily walking away, slowly getting out of sight.

Peeling your eyes away from her, you faced Taehyung; who, oddly, stayed silent the entire time.

"I'm sorry." You bowed, apologetically.

He hadn't done anything wrong, yet he seemed to be getting more trouble than thanks.

"It's fine." He stood up, slinking his hands into his pockets.

A fine smile appeared on his face, as his eyes bore into yours.

"I already got what I wanted anyway."

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