Chapter 6

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"They say a mask is a man."
Chapter 6

The towel fell loosely against your sides, baring your naked back. Your hands trembled in shock, and the touch in which Luc's hand had fallen to grip the sides of your body were still lingering.

The man stood smugly behind you, a look of pure gold on his face, seeing your reaction.

"Just kidding, I have no enticement towards your body." He teased.


Feeling the heat rush to your head, you clutched the towel close to yourself before spinning around; your eyebrows arched in irritation.

"You really aren't a good person." Your voice uneven.

"How dare you play with me like that?"

Seeing him look so coy, as if you were just a toy.

Even if you'd just met the man, it hurt more than you thought.

He rolled his eyes, waving his hand in the air to dismiss your statement.

"So, what? Did you expect me to do something else?" He snickered.

Coming closer towards you, his fingers gripped your chin tightly; forcing you to look into his eyes.

"I don't feel sorry." He let you go, turning around; leaving you speechless once more.

The only thing you could do was watch his back, as he walked out of the room.

Feeling depleted, you slid down the walls of the closet; burying your face into the protection of your legs.

You miss home.

You miss Mina.

You miss everything.

Tears slide down your cheeks, your heart aching more than it should've.

There's nothing better than having a naive heart; seeing a man act so kind...yet become the reason for your hatred towards?

Maybe it's just the irony.

Maybe it's

You wiped the tears away with the back of your hand, standing straight.

In the end, you are nothing to Luc's eyes.

You will never be.

You. Are. Just. His. Toy.

His plaything, his reason for tease.

Scoring the closet, you yanked off the clothes in which fit you; sliding them on to cover your body.

Pulling out your wet hair from within your shirt, you stomped out of the closet and walked towards the door in which Luc had exited.

Pulling it open, the endless hallway was the only thing in sight.

You paused in your step, anxious.

These halls were so dark, so long and harrowingly creepy.

You honestly could get lost.

Squeezing your hands into a fist, you refused to let it overwhelm you.

He is nothing to you, and he will never be; that's the end of the line.

He is only the person who saved you.

With quick steps, you walk down the halls, your pace starting to slowly get faster and faster within each step.

Until you were running.

Endlessly running.

It's like the hallway doesn't end!
No doors, no windows, just a dark ended hallway that continued to go on forever.
Becoming breathless, you're forced to a stop; feeling a strong pair of hands wrap around your forearm tightly.

You shrieked, feeling your heart almost leap out of your chest.

Again, he appeared, a revolting smile on his face; as the darkness of the halls overcame the devilish look that etched over.

"That's odd, I don't remember allowing you to leave?"

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