Chapter 14

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"He's fake, but he's not."
Chapter 14

Somehow, you found yourself sitting in the stranger's car, staring out the window as the cool air conditioner blew against your face.

"What happened to you?" The man spoke, his eyes focused on the road.

You stay silent, you don't know how to answer to such a question. In fact, he might not even believe you.

You vert your eyes from the greenery, staring into the solid roads as cars pass by, fidgeting with your fingers a heavy sigh escaped your lips.

"I don't remember." You lied.

As the car jutted to a stop at a red light, his gaze lands on yours, leaving you stiff.

"So... you just somehow ended up on the road." He chuckles, sarcastically.

Fingers thrumming against the car wheels, his foot presses against the gas pedal. The car begun to move forward once more, the low hum of the engine sends you into a dazed state.

"What's your name?" You turned your head, staring at his face.

His side profile was almost like sugar, it's perfect, and he had the eyes of a sweet man.
His lips curved into a smile, those eyes of candy slowly averted to gaze into yours.

"Kim Taehyung, and you? Damsel in distress." He answered smugly.

Returning the mocking smile, you faced the road again.

"Y/N. Just Y/N."

You didn't know your last name, you never had one in the first place. You were just, Y/N, the girl that suffered.

In the end you never knew them anyway.

Bemused, he pulls the car to the side, stopping.

Suddenly feeling anxious, you swallowed thickly as a bead of sweat rolls down the side of your forehead.

This man had something about him.

A secret?


Something more than a secret.

Locking the car in place, he unbuckled his seatbelt; turning to face you completely as a devilish look smeared his perfect complexion.

"Tell me, Y/N." He smirked.

"Do you trust me?"


You don't.

"Of course I do, if you were bad you would've killed me right then and there, what should I say?" You lie, feeling a lump form in your throat.

Taehyung lifted his arm, his finger brushing over your bottom lip before grasping a hold of your chin.

Forcefully turning your head to face his, you sucked in a breath upon seeing the glimmer in his eyes.

They weren't empty, they were too innocent.

An innocence, that made you shiver.

"Then will you date me?"

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