Chapter 8

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"I trust you, but do you trust me?"
Chapter 8

The door to your room creaks open, revealing Luc standing behind it. Dressed in new clothing, a black turtle and long black slacks.

"You were out for quite some time, Y/N." He stepped through, stuffing his hands into his back pockets.

You stared at him from the bed, your hands placed over your lap as you dazed lifelessly into his body.

Baring holes into him.

"What do I owe your pleasant appearance."
You say dryly, making no effort for expression.
Seeing him so calm at this moment just made you angry and confused.

But you knew that this side of him was better, even if it meant enduring his games.

He hummed, closing the door behind him as he treaded forward; coming to stand beside you, beside the bed.

"Isn't this such a fine bed?" He laid his hand against the silk fabric, running them over.

You looked away, swallowing thickly.

"It is."

Inhaling sharply, feeling the bed dip slightly as he placed himself over it, you refused to look at him in the eyes.

"It's my bed." He chuckled.

His bed?

You looked at him, shock written over your face.

This room...was his?

Feeling guilt, as though you've intruded his space despite the things that have happened to you thus far; you squeezed your hands tightly into a fist.

"Where did you sleep then." You bite your lip, your eyes wavering over his face.

Luc leaned back, throwing his legs against the comforter as he closed his eyes.

"I didn't sleep." He yawned, reaching over to grab your pillow; he snuggled his face into it, leaving you no time to process what was occurring.

"You didn't..sleep?" You stared at his complacent face, unable to understand his actions.

He muffled into the pillow, squeezing it tighter in his arms as he lifted the sheets; laying himself under, his feet brushing yours.

You pressed your lips into a thin line, staring at him like just felt the need to get off at this point.

Seeing as he's already almost asleep, you reluctantly pushed the covers off of you; slowly sliding your legs to the other side to get off.

"Wait." You halt to a stop, feeling Luc's hand grasp your wrist gently.

Looking back, he was sitting up, a tiresome look upon his face.

"Sleep with me." He spoke, squeezing your wrist a little.

Feeling your heart pound in your chest, you attempt to pry your wrist out of his grip, but it was of no use.

"Luc—" leaving you no choice but to comply towards his command, you gasp feeling yourself being pulled under the covers once again.

His arms were tight around you, his head resting against the crook of your neck.

"Please Y/N. Just once..let me feel this again." He whispered, a despondent tone in his voice.

Staying silent, your hands came to cover over his; the feeling of something wet dripping against your shoulders, the way his body just drooped...

"Luc." You lamented, tilting your head to just barely see his fluff of silk hair.

"Hm..." he mumbled, squeezing your waist tighter.

You turned your head away, staring into the walls across as a lump slowly formed in your throat.

"What happened to her?"

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