Chapter 22

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"He's here."
Chapter 22

[Grand Finale; Part 1 of 2]

-Time Skip-

Underneath the ravaging waves of the oceans purest blue, you stood, your feet rooted deeply into the water.

Many, many months passed by like nothing. Like a sway of the tall grasses that bloomed throughout the wild prairies.

You weren't alone, you had him.
He had you.

But something always seemed off, something always seemed to be giving you the worst of suspicions.

That something, was the look on Lucifer's face that occasionally became deadly in dread.
Like a nightmare that appeared in the day, his eyes were set ablaze by nothing but fury, resentment, and pure sadness.

Today was one of them.

You leaned down, letting your hand move throughout the water; so easily made to run through your hands.
Today was lonely.
Today was plain.
Today you were alone.

Sighing, you sat down into the water; the surface splashing against your waist. Drenching your white dress, in which had become translucent.

It's barely even mid afternoon, the heat was strong; burning against your skin in a fiery heap.
Any longer and you'd be a prune.

"What are you doing? You're all soaked." Turning around, Luc stood with his arms crossed over his chest. His eyebrows raised.

Standing straight, you squeezed the ends of your dress tightly in your hand as it clung to your body.

"Sorry." You looked away.

He sighed, walking forward only to grasp you by the shoulder and pull you into his embrace.
As shocked as you were to even feel his affection on a day such as this, the comfort that he gave was never changed.

"I'm not the best today." He sighed, his arms sneaking around your waist to pull you closer against him.

"There's just...something I'm missing." His face dug into the nape of your neck, lips pressed against your bare skin. Leaving you shivering.

Yes, there was always something that seemed to be gone in Luc's mind.

No, rather, lost in his entire soul.

You didn't know what it was, but the days that passed on, became longer. Occasionally you'd feel that same wrath he felt, so much so it scared you out of your own wits.
The malicious intent that petrified the mind, so ferocious it haunted your shadow.

Precious moments like now didn't exist anymore.

Now it was do or die, now it was run or hide.

Normal. Was an understatement.

Luc pulled away from the embrace, his hand glided down your waist to interlock his fingers with yours as the ocean's breeze lifted his silky strands of hair behind him.
Leaving his perfect complexion stunning in your eyes.

"A hole that can't be closed, always haunts me in my sleep." He sighed, the pupils of his eyes were glimmering as the sun reflected against his face.

A hole that can't be closed.

A hole that can't become a relief.

Squeezing his hand that held yours, you pulled him along with you, walking the beach. Your and his feet sloshed against the wet sand.

Beauty, scenery, and ending.

That was what went through your mind on this day.

As you walked the beach, you swung your arm that held his, playfully humming to a melody that you had always sang to calm his nerves. He called it his cure.

"Luc." You called his name, pausing in your step.

He stopped as well, eyes meeting yours within an instant. The glint of anger had slowly faded.

"I love you." You whispered softly, your fingers raised to caress his face. You gently brushed against the scar that cut into his cheek.

With a softer expression, he pulled you close, pressing his lips swiftly against yours.
The kiss was euphoric, a kiss that cried relief and loneliness all in one.
Morphing together, your lips moved against his in an assuring manner.
In this time, you felt calm.
You felt loved.

He pulled away, pressing his forehead against yours as his hot breath fans your lips.

"I love you too."


Evening dawns upon you sooner than you thought.
Sitting across from him, you placed the fine dining napkin across your lap as you awaited for the waiter to serve you.

With your hands interlocked with his, Luc's eyes shined with ecstasy when he stared into you.
The love and the passion in his heart was more than just a feeling.

"It's been so long don't you think? That we ate out like this." He chuckled, rubbing circles across the palm of your hand.

Nodding your head in return, a longing smile curved your lips.

"Yeah you—"

"Good Evening." Interrupted, you exhaled harshly and looked to the side.

He was tall.
Most definitely tall.

Scoring your eyes up the waiter's body, you trailed up his clothes until you spot his hair, in which his face was unseen due to his lowered bow.

"I'll be your waiter today." He paused, raising his head.

"My name is Kim Taehyung."

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