Chapter 21

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"Love doesn't just end here."
Chapter 21

[Time Skip]

How many days have passed since the last time you stepped outside?

One day? Two?

You woke up every morning, side by side Luc, sometimes watching him sleep soundly...or other times just having meager conversations.

Since the night you confessed to him, nothing felt more like home.


Stretching your limbs, you yawned heavily, fatigue fawning over you.

Today...wasn't much of a day.

Though, it really was pretty outside.

You opened the balcony doors to the hotel room, tightening the silk robe you had around your body a little; as it was slightly chilly.

Leaning against the railing, you inhaled the sweet scent of the fresh air.

"Good morning." A pair of arms wrapped around your waist; Luc stood behind, pressing his chest into your back.

His head dropping low to rest in between the crook of your neck.

"Morning." You snuggled against him more.
Luc's kisses pressed against your naked shoulder's, trailing up towards your jawline before meeting your lips. You tilted your head upwards, morphing into the kiss even more.

You loved this.

Everything about it...just felt right.

Although, there was always that small hole.

The hole, that couldn't replace what Lilith had given him. You were never going to become her replacement; never.

"Let's go out today." He whispered, placing a small kiss against your temple.

You hum, looking outward at the scenery.


Luc inhaled sharply, removing his arms from your waist he stretched out his limbs, letting out a yawn.

"Morning coffee?" He smirked, twisting you around to face him.

Your chest smacked against his, as his hand snakes around the small of your back; pulling you closer.

"Alright then, I'll get ready." You smiled softly, placing a kiss on his cheek.

Removing yourself from his hold, you bite your lip in attempt to stop yourself from laughing at his disappointed face as you closed the bathroom door behind you.

Stripping off the robe that you had on, you faced the large mirror that lay widespread against the wall.

It was hideous.

Your body.

You traced the lines in which you caused yourself, feeling disgusted.

"These'll leave scars..." you muttered silently, letting out a sigh.

Turning the knob to the shower onto 'hot' you stepped into the marbled flooring; it's overly spacious interior causing you to shiver as the warm water ran down your skin.

Massaging the shampoo into your hair, you pulled the strands forward, staring at them diligently.

"I should cut my hair soon." You step under the running faucet, letting the droplets wash out the soapy bubbles in your hair.

Showering never felt so heavenly.

Turning off the shower, your hair clung to your back and your shoulders; reaching outside the curtains you attempt to grab your towel.'s not there.

Peeking your head out from the curtains you looked around and let out a frustrated groan.


Shivering, your teeth clattered together as the heat slowly begun to be replaced by cold air conditioning.

"Y/N? Is everything alright in there?" Luc's voice echoed from behind the bathroom door;
barely even seconds after calling his name.

"Can you get me a towel...? Please." Heat rushes to your cheeks.

Such an embarrassing situation.

A momentary pause emits from the door, until it slightly opens, revealing Luc; clad in regular clothing and a white towel in his hand.

"Thank you." You reached out with your hand, trying to grab at the towel. Only, he held it back.

You raised your eyebrow in confusion.

"Luc, hand me the towel." You demanded.

This wasn't exactly the right situation to be playing games.

You were...not really decent.

He crossed his arms over his chest smugly, leaning back against the door frame.

"Come and get it then." He smiled innocently, playfully batting his eyes.

This man...

You clenched your fist together tightly from behind the curtain; any longer of a wait and you'd have hypothermia.

"Luc...hand. Me. The. Towel." You smiled, malice in your eyes.

The eyes of doom.

He shook his head.
"I already said...come and get it." He taunted, waving the towel in front of your face.

Not letting the moment escape, you lurched for the towel, expecting to get it easily.

"Nope!" He retracted his hand, the towel going along with it.

With wide eyes, you gasped as you're unable to balance yourself any longer; and within that time span the sight of Luc's eyes suddenly going dark as your body emerges from the safety of the curtains is revealed; was just as surprising as the fact that you were butt naked.

Falling into his arms, your soaked body drenched his dry shirt as the both of you fall backwards.

Landing straight on the floor, your eyes locked with Luc's.

What was happening?

Oh, right.

He smiled, a seductive look on his face.

"Nice ass, my devil of a woman."

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