Chapter 4

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"Love doesn't become your happiness."
Chapter 4

You stared wide eyed, unbelieving what you've just heard.

"S-strip?" You stuttered, completely flushed.
Luc raises his eyebrow, confused to your reaction.

"Yes strip, is that so much of a problem?" He retorted, rubbing the bottom of his chin in question.

Of course it's a problem!

Is what you wanted to say, but instead, you faltered backwards falling into the warm bath full of soap bubbles.

Swallowing the disgusting water.

Feeling a pair of strong hands pull you up from the water, you gasped, hyperventilating feverishly as you choked out the water you had swallowed from falling through.
Your nose stinging.

"You—!" Luc cursed under his breath, patting your back as you coughed the remains of what you had swallowed.

Your cheeks were tomato red, embarrassed.

"I'm sorry, I—" You gasped feeling your shirt being lifted from your body; staggering backwards you yanked the hem of your shirt down.

"Y-Y-You can't do that!" You snapped, completely oblivious.

Luc's hands were still hanging in the air from which his fingers gripped your shirt, a stunned look on his face.

"Well, that's odd." He tilted his head, staring at his hands.

"I've never been yelled at before." He pondered.

Almost as if you were hit with a rock, your jaw falls to the ground.

Out of all things.

It's because of you yelling at him?

What an odd man he is.

Pointing your index finger at him, his eyes focused on yours.

"I'll shower alone! P-please." Your hand shook.

"You're too clumsy. I worry you'll fall in again." His hands fell limp against his sides.

Vigorously shaking your head, you refused.
"NO! I-I was just shocked!" You begged him with your eyes.

He blew out a huff of air, crossing his arms.
"Fine, but I'm staying here."

Relieved, you sigh, letting your arms droop.
Approaching him, you eyed his hands, still afraid he'd attempt to lift your shirt again.

"Turn around." You spoke, tense.


"Just do it."


"Turn. Around."

Rolling his eyes, he turned around, his hands pressed against his hips.
"I really don't see the issue, I've seen everything before."

You shot glares into the back of his head.

This man has balls, you have to say.

Reluctantly pulling your shirt off, you let it fall loosely to the floor. Following along with the rest of your clothes.

Peeping an eye at him once again, a small smile lifts your lips upon seeing him still turned around.

"I-I'm going in now." You paused, staring at him as you dipped a leg in.

"Hmm I know, I can hear you." He waved his hand; unmoved. Assured that he wouldn't peek, you sunk yourself into the water again.
Surprised to find it still lukewarm.

Although it stung, you were happy to sink even lower into the water.

The warmth enveloping your tattered body, cleaning the dirt that clung to your skin, and replaced the foul outside stench with a strong flowery scent.

"You can turn" You pulled your legs against your chest, hiding yourself beneath the bubbles.

Watching his shoulder's relax a little, he turned around, a small pout on his face.

"You're an odd woman." He crossed his arms.
Raising an eyebrow, you frowned.

"And you're a pervert."

Luc's mouth falls open, bewildered at your response.

"Excuse me? I'm a pervert?" He tossed his hands into the air, annoyed.

"This is what I get when I help you pesky humans." Grumbling, he turned around and walked towards the door.

"There are clothes in the closet to your right, I'll be waiting for you outside." He sneered, shutting the door softly behind him.

The silence that strays in the air is awkward after he left, but oddly you found yourself more relaxed than ever before.

Maybe it was just the thought of actually being able to sleep in a place that wasn't the mucky forests anymore.

Then again...

You swirled your finger through the bubbles, guiltily.

This isn't your home.

Submerging yourself lower, you closed your eyes, letting your hair get soaked completely before raising yourself up once more.

Staring into the ripples of the water, a subtle tear slipped from your eyes.

Is it too late to say, you're not already attached..?

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