Chapter 10

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"Fallen Angels are his enemy."
Chapter 10

"Your assistant...?" The words barely left your mouth as you stared off into the distance, unable to process the littlest of Luc's words.

He stared at you, broken from all angles.

"Yes." He answered blankly.

The entire room was in a tattered mess, hand marks and dried blood stained the sheets and the floors.

The obvious scratches on the walls indicating she was struggling, and, the definite rotting corpse of her body still hanging, punctured to the wall with a mess of rusted knives.
The pungent smell of the room, foul to your nose.

Unable to control the tears that escaped the corner of your eyes, you shakily stood up.
"Why leave her there..?" You choked out, unable to breathe.

Luc stayed silent, staring straight.

"Because I cant take her down." He lamented coldly.

Twisting your head to face him, you narrowed your eyes; confused.

"Why would you do this to someone in vain?"

You swallowed the lump in your throat as you approached her dead body.
The sight was sure to give you a nightmare, but you couldn't stand to see her like that.

Luc grasped your wrist, turning you around forcefully a dark look on his face.

"What do you think you're doing?" He snarled.
Yanking your wrist from his hold, you sneered.

"Doing whats right, Luc." Leaving him speechless, you turned back around and approached her.

Your feet sticky from the dried blood, but even so you still came closer.


And even closer.

Until you were barely a foot away. Reaching out with one hand, your fingers wrapped around the rusted handle of the knife.

Nothing happened at first, but you tugged even harder; the knife coming out of her wound with not even a speck of liquid blood.

How can that even be?

You dropped the knife, and reached to grasp onto the next.

Her stared at her unhidden features. Whoever did this to her obviously didn't want to ruin her face; she was...she was gorgeous.

Even through those eyes of solemnity and fear.
The agony she must've gone through, it's nothing compared to what you have been through.

No where near.

"Y/N please, stop." Luc begged, his voice quivered.


"You don't understand!"

"Understand what Luc?! That you're a grieving widower? That you can't get over her? That she is crying?" You spat, yanking the other knife out.

The obvious thump of his knees as he collapsed to the floor was loud in your ear, but you ignored it as tears flooded your eyes.

"Stop grieving." You paused, weakly reaching for the last knife.

"Stop crying."

"Stop. Hurting yourself." You pulled the last knife out, letting it fall with a clank against the cold floors.

Expecting her body to fall towards the floor; you let out an exhausted breath, raising your head only just to stare in shock.

Not only did her body not fall to the floor.

It was like everything vanished.



The room.

Her body.



You sucked in a breath, hearing a woman's voice.

"Y/N." It repeated.

Standing up weakly, your legs wobbled as you turned to face the voice.

Staring with an open mouth, your eyes gazed over the lovely features of her body.

Those blood stained clothes you saw earlier, completely gone; her perfect figure was hugged by a gown of pure white.

Elegant but frail, pale and...benevolent.


she smiled softly, an unknown wind sweeping her hair in waves.

"Lilith." She spoke, her voice was ever so silky.
You've always heard about celestial beings, but... you never thought one would exist.
Lilith, an angel borne, standing idly in front of you like this.

It's no doubt, she was more than just pure.

She was Luc's light.

She reached forward, hugging your cheeks in the palms of her hands, you sucked in a breath feeling the coldness of her forehead gently touch yours.

"Save my Lucifer." She whispered.


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