Chapter 20

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"I'm falling for you already"
Chapter 20

"W-What? N-No!" You shoved him off of you, standing upright hastily.
Any closer and your heart was going to bust.
Heck, you probably would have a heart attack.
Turning around, you frantically gathered all of the comforter, rolling yourself in it you scooted away towards the other corner of the bed.

Far away from him.

"If you get any closer I'll fall." You warned, eyes wide.

Luc raised his eyebrow, bemused.

"I can just catch you..." He smirked.


You sneered.

"Darn" you couldn't find any words to insult him.

Groaning, you kicked your legs out of the comforter.Little did you know, that you would fall backwards. Shrieking, you attempt to push your arms out from the blankets; but to no avail, it was impossible.

Closing your eyes, you braced for the impact.
But of course, you felt nothing.

"What did I tell you?" You opened your eyes slowly, Luc was already there.

Holding you tightly.

"You're fast as shit." You spat, mouth agape.
He rose his eyebrow, a throaty chuckle escaping his lips.

"Fast as shit? That's new." He threw his head back, laughing even harder.

You stared into all the glory his neck exposed, swallowing thickly; you looked away as you feel the blush on your cheeks.

Stop staring.

"You can let me go now." You mumbled.

Luc sighed deeply, he squeezed you tighter; letting his chin fall against your shoulder.

"Why? You feel like a pillow right now." He muffled against your neck, blowing hot air against your skin.

You internally screamed.

This feeling, it's going to make you go crazy.

How can anyone survive this?

Hah, how did Lilith ever survive it?

You cleared your throat, twisting yourself around in the blanket to face him, your legs unconsciously wrapping around his waist.

"Put. Me. Down." You narrowed your eyes at the smug man.

He leaned back, rolling his eyes.


"Why not?"

"Because I said so, do you have a problem?" He retorted.

Squeezing your legs tighter around his waist, you smiled evilly as a grunt escaped his lips.

"Y-Y/N do you want me to die?" Luc's eyes went wide as he stuttered endlessly.

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