Chapter 3

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"The devil isn't always evil."
Chapter 3

Laying there lifelessly you stared into nothing but the dark lit room, the smell of burning candles and sawdust clear to your nose.

The feeling of the soft bedding beneath you was comfortable, but the thought of resting idly inside a stranger's house was worse.

You warily eyed the man, his tall form, it's no doubt he was built from underneath the silk robes of his clothing.

"You're a nuisance, I've lived so peacefully alone in these forests." The man turned around, a black box in his hand.

You watch as he approached your sickening body, dropping down onto one knee whilst laying the box flat beside him on the other.
You wished to talk, honestly, but you've not had water for such a long time.

Dehydration wasn't enough to say how parched you were.

"W-..." you squeezed your eyes shut, feeling the searing pain in your throat as you attempted to speak.

The man raised his eyebrows.


Internally screaming, you lifted your heavy arm, motioning with your hands that you needed water.

A look of understanding passes through his face, he nods his head quickly. Rushing out of the room with steady feet; hardly even pitter patting across the floor.

The sound was almost as if he wasn't even walking on the ground at all.

Feeling relieved that he was gone, you helped yourself up from the soft couch.

No matter how badly you loved the feeling of the softness, you couldn't stay here.
Getting up, you gasped feeling your legs give out once more.
Only your body didn't hit the floor either this time.

"I almost dropped your water." His silky voice whispered through your ear.

Your eyes open wide, shocked to find yourself in the man's embrace again—in such quick time— too.

His arms were tight against your waist; your back pressed against the hardness of his chest.
"Not only do you disturb my sleep, but you also disturb the fact that I am helping you." The man turned you around to face him, your mouth falls agape upon seeing his face up close.

What was such a handsome man, doing living alone?

Especially in such a wide living space.

Unable to get your eyes off of his, he sighs, lifting his arm.

"Drink." He ushered, bringing the cup to your mouth.

Although a little weird, you still drank the water anyway, feeling yourself relax against his body.

There was something about this man, you couldn't grasp it.

He made you feel calm, and, oddly...painless as well.

Retracting the cup, you sighed in relief feeling the soothing cold water coat your tongue, and empty into the pits of your stomach.

"T-thank you." You choked out, your throat wasn't exactly healed yet.

Kindly pushing yourself off of him, you collapsed back onto the couch, your head drooping low.

"I'm sorry for intruding your space..." you muttered, guiltily.

The man clicked his tongue, placing the cup down with a subtle thud.

"I'd rather not have a dead body on my lawns." He chuckled, coming down onto his knees once more.

You eyed the man, as he curled his fingers around the lid of the black box you had forgotten about.
Inside, just plain modern day gauze and disinfectant, along with bandage wraps were laid neatly inside.


"It's nothing, but it'll help." He sighed.

His eyes lifted from the box, meeting your gaze.
A small glimmer of something unreadable flashes through the darkness of his pupils.

"It's best you shower first." He hummed to himself, standing straight again.

Extending out his hand, he plasters a small smile across his face.

"Well? Will you not take my hand?" He gestured even more, pushing his arm out.

You bite your lip, reluctantly taking his hand, only to find yourself lifted in the air as his other arm swiftly swept your feet.

"I can walk on my own." You flushed, feeling your cheeks burn.

You were pressed so close against him, you could feel his muscles.

The man shakes his head.

"It's much faster like this." He begun, walking.
Too tired to argue, you accepted his offer and leaned your head against his chest.

"What's your name...?" You looked up, admiring his perfect side profile.

His eyes flicked towards yours for a moment, before paying attention to the hall in front of him.

"Just call me Luc." He smiled softly.


It's short, but it's a name uncommon.
"Just call me Y/N, then." You replied curtly.

"Y/N..." he paused, licking his lips.

"It's pretty." He turned his head to the side, stopping his movements.

You looked away, avoiding his hard gaze, feeling impish.

"We're here." He pushes a door open with his feet, the bathroom coming into view.

Stepping inside, the instant scent of British rose and a heavy aroma of soap fill your nose.
The bath had already been made.

You gaped in awe, this man was unlike anything.

He caught you twice, out of no where.

He made a bath, that you had no idea was even ready.

What else could this man do?

Its like he had secret servants in the house.

Leaning down, the touch of the cold marble surfaces of the bath tub pressing against your naked thighs sends shivers down your spine; as he gently let you go.

Stepping back, he folded his hands behind his back.

"Well? What are you waiting for, strip." 

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