Chapter 16

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"He's always watching, no matter what."
Chapter 16

You plopped yourself against the couch, a bottle of beer in your hand as you waited for Mina.

After the instance at the cafe with Taehyung, your mind was stuck in a boggled mess.

He got what he wanted?

Just what is going through his mind..?

Squeezing the bottle tightly in your hand, your knuckles turned white as frustration takes over.

"Damn it." You brought the bottle to your lips, taking a long swig of the bitter drink.

"What's going on, you never drink." Mina crossed her arm over her chest, coming to sit across from you.

You placed the bottle down on the table, your shoulders drooping, your head hanging low.

"I don't know." You retort, a dry chuckle escaping your lips.

"How many days was I gone?" You asked her, lifting your head slightly.

Mina leaned back into the seat, her lips pursed into a straight line.

"Two weeks."

Two weeks?

Two weeks?

You let out an exasperated laugh, cynically going crazy as her words slowly processed through your mind.

"Two fucking weeks?" You repeated, eyes wide.

It felt like barely even four days.

That house, the owner, the death, everything that occurred in there.

All of it was strange.

Yet why is it just hitting you now?

Time stopped for you then, you closed your eyes and rested your head against the cushion of the couch; attempting to calm down.

"Just...let me rest. We'll talk tomorrow." You whispered, your voice croaking.

Everything spiraled for you, and right now, all you wanted to do was drown.

Drown yourself.

End it all.

That was, until something cold is splashed against your skin.

You gasped, feeling the freezing liquid of your beer stream down your body, soaking your hair and your shirt.

Mina stood, the bottle tilted down as the last droplet drips against your forehead.

Her brows curved in frustration.

"What the hell?" You wiped your face, your blood pressure was rising.

She tossed the bottle aside, letting it crash against the floor; shattering all over. Shards flying.

"Get a fucking grip. You moron." She seethed.

Standing up as well, you pushed her back, feeling the alcohol get to you as you grind your teeth together.

"Get a fucking grip? Do you see me Mina? Do you?" You pushed her back more, forcing her to falter backwards.

You raised the sleeves of your shirt, making her stare at the bruises and the cuts that still roamed your skin.

"Tell me to get a grip," You paused, your nose flaring.

"I. Dare. You."

Her eyes glossed over, tears pooling.

What would she know?

She's filthy rich, living a lifestyle of freedom.

"You..." she was speechless, tears streaming down her cheeks.

Pulling your shirt down, you swiped your dripping hair back.

"If you didn't have anything better to say." You turned around, pausing to tilt your head to the side, eyeing her miserable state.

"Don't say it."

About to walk off, you stop abruptly hearing her voice whimper from behind you.

"You're disgusting."

Turning around, you raised an eyebrow in bemusement.

The audacity.

Standing straight, she bit her lip looking away.

"Get out of my house, you're a fucking monster." She sneered, looking at you straight in the eye.


She're a monster?

Taking in a long breath, you plastered a smile on your face; walking forward.




Mina stood, her eyes widening as your hand grazed her jawline; your finger brushing over her bottom lip as you tightened your grip on her chin.

Forcing her to look up at you, as you were taller than her; your eyes narrowed into slits.

"Correction." You grinned wickedly, bringing your lips to her ears.

"I'm not a monster."

"I'm your mother fucking devil."

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