Chapter 5

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"Should you trust the devil?"
Chapter 5

You lifted yourself up from the overly large bath tub, water droplets run down your bare body. Your hair sticking close against your skin.

It was a luxurious bath, you'd have to say.
But it was quite revolting, the bruises and the cuts.

You tenderly touched the side of your ribs, flinching in pain as even the slightest touch hurt.

Stepping out of the bath, you reached for the towel that hung not too far away from a golden bar; unused.

The rough but slightly soft fabric wrapping your body, was already comforting.
Stepping across the cold tiles, you shiver, feeling the coolness of the marbling touch the bottom of your feet.

Even so, you quickly made your way towards the closet doors, it's dark brown but slightly ancient carvings were intriguing already.

Tracing the wood with your index finger, you enjoyed the art in awe.

How someone, whom looked of your age, could ever own such a house like this.

It was odd yes.

But...even if it were odd, you loved it anyway.
Curling your fingers around the golden knob, you twisted the door open.

Immediately the sight of neatly folded clothes organized in an arrange of various colors are open to your eye.

But it wasn't the fact that it was set in that way.

It was the fact that, women's clothing were in the closet.

Not even the slightest speck of men's wear was inside.

"Wow..." You whispered, speechless.

"Convenient is it not?" You spun around, eyes wide.

Luc stood, leaning his shoulder against the door frame; a small smile on his face. A smile of content.

"You scared me." You squeezed the towel tighter around your body, feeling conscious.
Your heart raced in your chest.

He folded his arms over his chest, pressing the side of his head closer against the frame.

"Those'r bound to give you scars." He frowned, eyes tracing over the purplish areas of your body.

Turning around, you feel as your cheeks flared, hot.

"It's not polite to stare at a woman's body." You gushed; tightening your fingers around the hem's of your towel even more.

The sound of his feet slightly touching the floor causes your body to fall rigid, hearing as he was getting closer.

You suck in a breath, feeling his fingers touch your bare shoulder.

"L-Luc..." you stammered; unable to speak.

He pressed his body against your back, his left arm circling your waist; holding down the arm in which you held the towel close against your figure. The touch of his lips pressing just a mere breath away from your ear sends your nerves into a wild frenzy; if he got any closer you'd have a heart attack.

"You know," he whispered, tightening his hold on you.

"Your skin is too pretty to be scarred."

Feeling your knee's buckle, you released your hold on the towel; clutching his forearms tightly.

Your breathing uneven.

"Y-you..y—" you couldn't comprehend anything. Your towel was just barely hanging onto you at this point, the sides of your right; coming bare into view.

Luc's right hand lowered down your arm, pressing against your ribs where your bruises were, until it landed idly against the curve of your hips.

"You should be careful, Y/N." He taunted into your ear.

"Men like me don't know what the words..." he slowly pulled away; releasing you, letting you fall to the floor. Your knees hitting the cold tiles with a small thud.

"Holding back means."

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