Chapter 18

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"Hold my hand, and I'll guide you."
Chapter 18

"Well how about it?" Luc's undeniable voice, full of anger and resentment.

He let go of the man's neck, letting him fall to the floor with a thud.

"Get out of my sight." He snarled.

The man whimpered, crawling onto his feet as he ran, stumbling over his own shoes in the process.

Thus, leaving only you and him left standing.

You stared up at his memorable face, creased with frustration.


"Are you stupid? Why did you go outside like this?" He turned to you, pointing his index finger.

An exasperated sigh escaped his lips.

Flabbergasted, you scoffed, slapping his finger away from your face as you stood up.

"Yah!—ugh." You clutched your stomach, still in pain from earlier.

He crossed his arms in amusement, a smug smile on his face.

"Serves you right." He sneered, extending out his hand.

Staring at his open palm, you averted your gaze and looked into his eyes.

There was something different about them though.

The loneliness, and the desperation was gone.

He sighed, stepping forward only to grab your hand into his, interlocking his fingers with yours.

"Let's go." You gasped feeling your weight being lifted off the ground as his arm snakes around your body; hauling you up against his chest.

Feeling the same heat rush into your cheeks just like before, you leaned your head against his shoulder.

His heart, beating in a rhythmic tone.

You don't really know why.

But, you wanted to hear it forever right then and there.

"Why did you do it?" You muffled against his shirt.

He peered down at you, still walking to who knows where.

"Because I want to be a good person, is that so bad?" He retorted.

Lifting your head from his shoulder, you reached with your hand to cup his face.

Luc stopped abruptly, his eyes going wide.


"Shut up." You cut him off, turning his head so he could look at you in the eye.

"Luc." You pulled him closer to your face.

He cocked an eyebrow up.


Swallowing thickly, you slowly released his face and let your arms curl around his neck; forcing him to come closer.

Close enough for you to press your forehead against his.

"Thank you."

Pursing his lips together, he opened his mouth to say something, only to clamp it shut once more.

Shaking his head, his eyes roamed over your face.

"Hey, Y/N." He whispered softly, tightening his hold on you.



"...Why are you doing this to me?"

Pulling back, you furrowed your eyebrows in confusion.

"What are you talking about?"

Luc's lips curved into a small smile, looking up, he stared into the night sky.

Empty of stars.

"When I first saw you, outside my house." His smile faded.

"I think..."

"For the first time," he paused, looking down at you again.

"I felt happy."

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