Chapter 17

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"Behind you."
Chapter 17

Your foot smashes against the hard metallic tin of the trash can.

Outside, you ended up outside again.

Such a great world.

How one can just tell you you're a monster, and leave you to rot in hell.

Frankly, that's where you belonged.

You did unimaginable things that you wouldn't ever do; and you hated yourself for that.

Letting out a frustrated scream, you ran your fingers through your hair.

You didn't deserve this.

Letting your hands fall limp, you sighed solemnly, staring at your surroundings.

The dim, dark night, covering the neighborhood park.
Full of benches and playgrounds.

You plopped yourself against the hard wood's of one of the bench seats, laying yourself against the cold, dirty, infested surface.

"Tell me why...this feels so familiar." You whispered, extending out your hand.

Unwanted tears well in your eyes, as the same ache replaced the guilt that you felt.

You squeezed the fabric that covered your chest, your hand over your heart as your body racked in sobs.

Tears overflowed from your eyes, as ugly noises escaped your trembling lips.

No friends.

No home.

No money.

No phone.

You're as good as broke and alone.

"Yah." Your eyes break wide open, feeling the bench shake as someone kicks the ends of the chair.

Flustered, you wiped your tears away and stood up abruptly.

How could anyone still even be awake?

Turning around to look who was behind you, you squint seeing a dark figure from behind the bench.

Since it was night you really couldn't see anything.

Sniffling, you squeezed your shirt tightly, nervous.

"Who..who are you?" You spoke slowly.

The figure put his legs up on the bench, hauling himself over, coming to face you.

Your breath hitches upon seeing his face from under his hood.

A drunk man.

"You're so f-fuckin annoying~" he slurred, pressing his index finger against your chest, pushing you back.

You narrowed your eyes at the man.

"Excuse me, have you not heard of personal space? You pervert." You hissed, rubbing the spot on your chest where his finger was.

The man lifted his head from his hoodie, his eyebrow cocked and his eyes wide, brimmed red from the alcohol.

"Who the fuck are you to call me a fucking pervert?" He snarled.

You gasped feeling his hands curl around the collar of your shirt, pulling you close against his body.

You scrunched your nose in disgust, he reeked of alcohol.

Though, it doesn't make it sound any better, as you were also covered in beer.

"Let me g—!"

Air is knocked out of your lungs as his knee collides with your stomach, you lurch forward in pain, gasping, as you clutched your waist in pain.

Feeling his hand tug at you, you scream as his fist curls around the strands of your hair; forcing you to look up at him.

"Pervert? Say it again." He snarled, spitting on your face in the process.

You winced, this grotesque man made you want to punch him. But with your current situation, you couldn't.

"You—" you coughed, heaving forward as blood escaped your lips.


He kicked you that hard?

A maniacal laugh leaves the man's mouth as he pulled your head up again by your hair.

"You. Are. Ugly." He smiled, pinching your face with his other hand.

You whimpered, everything was beginning to hurt.

"Just k-kill me." You grit, through your teeth.

What's the point of living at this point?

There was nothing to look forward to.

Bemused, his eyebrow curves, showing signs of intrigue.

"I can do th—" the man's head is knocked to the side, your eyes widen.

A fist, pummeled the man towards the ground, forcing him to release you as he toppled over the bench. Groaning in pain, his hand came to touch the blood that seeped from his open lip.

"Who did that!?" He hissed.

You looked around, but no one was in sight.

No one.


You're wrong.

A dark figure appears from behind the tree, his hands fisted the man's hair, pulling him up into the air with ease.

The man writhed, grasping at the figure's hand, clawing to be freed.

Coming into the light, the familiar face of the man that haunted you becomes clearer as the hood of his coat is slowly brushed down by the cold wind. Revealing the same ebony hair, and the same face you had grown accustom to.

Pulling the drunken man towards his face, he leaned in; grabbing him by the throat.

"How would you like it," he paused, a wide grin curving his lips.

"If I did the same thing to you?"

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