Chapter 9

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"He loved once."
Chapter 9

"She died."

The words overwhelmed your mind, repeating over and over until it made you go crazy.
Luc's partner, his everything, his other half.

She died.

And it isn't the fact that she died that made you feel all sorts of regret and sadness.

She was murdered.

You stared across the dining table, where a fine layout of food assortments lay; waiting to be eaten.

Luc, sitting right across.

A napkin finely tucked in the neck of his shirt.
"Are you not going to eat, Y/N...?" He raised an eyebrow, snapping you out of your daze.

How could you eat now?

How can you eat...when someone is grieving?

You placed your napkin against the table.
"I'm not very hungry." You say blandly.

He sighed, leaning back against the chair.
"If you don't eat you won't get any better." He calmly put down his knife and fork, you watched intently as he stood up; pulling the napkin out of his shirt.

"What are you doing...?" You tensed, as he walked towards you, a small but definite smile on his face.

Extending out his hand, you reluctantly took it, standing up as well.

"I know you're curious." His smile vanished.

"So let me show you."

[Time Skip]

His hand still held yours gently, guiding you down the secluded hallways.

Not a single picture frame in the house.

Not a single memory.

All you could do was stay silent, and watch his back. It's depressing.


It's worse than that, it's just...lonely.

Luc had a life with whomever that lucky girl was; he had colors, and he had a light.

But now...

you squeezed his hand subtly, feeling something heavy in your chest.

He's just in a corner, hiding in the dark.

Coming to a stop, a much larger door stood in front; the door so old it creaked even though it wasn't touched.

You watched as he pushed the door slightly, opening it wide.

Dust coated the room, causing you to hack out; covering your mouth to avoid from coughing anymore.

Surprisingly though, Luc wasn't affected at all.
He reached with his other hand, flicking on the lights.

So bright, you had to squint, as the lights blared directly into your eyes.

Blinking once.


You slowly adjusted to the room; firstly staring at the spotted floors.


Those weren't spots.

Feeling your gut twist, and your throat close, your eyes slowly widened as it trailed up the floor.


And even higher.

Until you spot it.


You brought your hand to cover over your mouth as you felt your knees go weak, causing you to collapse onto the floor.

No way.

No way.

Luc's eyes were lifeless, staring at it, almost as if he'd come to see it every night.

Like a memory that he wanted to keep in his sight forever.

"You're sick." You yanked your hand out of his, feeling nauseous; heaving forward nothing but dry air escaped your mouth.

"I didn't do it." He let his hand fall limp to his sides.


Luc peeled his eyes away from the sight, coming to stare into yours.

A tear rolled down his cheek.

"My assistant did."

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