Chapter 12

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"Fate is not true, hate is."
Chapter 12

Between the both of you, you could only stare into Luc's bored eyes; eyes that were empty vessels waiting to become something.

Something to hold.

Something to have.

He retracted his hand from your cheek, standing up, he stretched his limbs letting out a groan of pain.

"Never mind me. I guess I just needed time." He forced a smile, extending out his hand.

A fake smile.

You stared at the emptiness of his palms; unable to speak. He was hurting, yet, he dared to smile as if nothing were wrong?

You grimaced at the thought.

This wasn't forgiveness, this wasn't love, nor was it grief.

Standing up, you squeezed your hands tightly against your sides; feeling a pang of rage surge through your veins.

"Will you stop?" You grit through your teeth.

Taken aback, he drops his extended hand, a pure look of confusion over his face.

"Stop what exactly?"

Growing frustrated, you pressed your index finger against his chest.

Pushing him back forcefully.



Three times until he was backed up against the dark walls; unable to escape.

"Stop faking already, Luc, Lilith wouldn't want that." His eyes widen upon hearing your words.


"How do I know?" You scoffed, rolling your eyes.

"I spoke to her Luc," you paused, retracting your finger as you averted your gaze from his eyes.

"Or rather, Lucifer."

Unexpected, color drains from his face, becoming a sheet of deadly white as his full name rolls off your tongue.

The eyes in which were empty, hooded dark in a glimmer of something inexplicable; the sight of his face twisting into an expression unknown.


"Don't call my name." His voice had gone deeper, you inhaled sharply an ominous feeling had suddenly begun to radiate from his body; leaving you feeling cold. Shivers run down your spine, your throat swelling dry.

It was the same look of malice that you had seen before, only, this really was just plain corrupted.

Swallowing the lump that had formed in your throat, you took a step forward and smirked.
It was a dangerous card that you were playing, but nonetheless, you did it anyway.

"Or what?"

Luc's eyes glowered down into yours, shooting holes through your body as you slowly started to lose the feeling in your legs.

This odd sensation.

The reeking flood of emotions that poured out of his face, his body, his eyes, and his voice.

The sight of his veins bulging out of his neck as his anger grows more malicious.

The venom in which rolled off his tongue as he spoke, and, the irreversible fact of who he really was.

This wasn't 'Luc'.

This, was Lucifer.

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