Chapter Four - The Last Meal

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Li brought us through more labs and "enclosures." He sounded like a proud father showing off his firstborn to the world. The further we got into H-Corp, the more I was convinced he was not going to let us leave.

But I dismissed this.

He wouldn't dare to keep us here, right?

Leading us to a large, open room, he sat us down at a solitary table, sitting across from us and ordering an employee to bring out the meal.

My stomach was still upset. I wanted to channel all of that unease into anger, but every new room we passed just made me sicker. The world was turning a blind eye to H-Corp's horrendous deeds, and no one was doing anything about it.

No one except Aster and I.

I felt emboldened because she was with me. As if I could take on the entire H-Corp with nothing.

We sat at the table and lavish food was set before us.

Li dug in, commenting on how well the chef was cooking that day.

Aster kept her hands in her lap, her eyes staring at the food.

I was wondering where it came from and what could possibly be in it.

"Now, I've saved the best for last," smiled Li, wiping the corners of his thick lips with his pristine napkin.

A clap of his hands caused a small platform to be lit up across from our table.

"Behold our finest achievement, the human hybrid!"

A small person walked onto the platform, eyes darting around nervously, squinting into the bright light shining in their face. Aster and I looked at the person, unsure of what we were supposed to be looking for exactly.

"Now, now, be appropriate for our guests," Li shouted towards the stranger.

Suddenly, two small rounded ears perked up from their hair and a thin, pink tail rolled out from their shirt, lazily swishing behind them.

Again, Aster gasped, or rather sobbed.

The...creature, for lack of a better term, eyed us with fear. It looked nervous and upset to be on display like this.

"Stop degrading them like this," I snapped, rising to my feet and striding towards the platform.

Two armed guards grabbed my arms, stopping me from reaching the creature.

It smiled sadly at me.

I think it knew.

Even I would be of no help.

* * *


I think the creature was part mouse.

Though I couldn't be sure. Tears clouded my vision so I couldn't see too clearly.

It upset me.

Seeing someone so fragile and being exploited in such a way made my stomach feel like it was trying to turn inside out.

I sprung to my feet as Xander moved forward towards the platform. I rushed to his side when the guards grabbed him. They pushed me away.

Xander stared wildly at Li, who looked nonplussed. Nothing seemed to bother him.

Guess that's what happens when you forget that humanity is your brother, not your slave.

Li stood up and nonchalantly walked over to my husband, a look on his face that I can only describe as satisfaction.

"Now that you've seen all we do here, I'm afraid you'll have to sign our confidentiality agreement."

"I'm not signing anything!" Xander struggled against the men who held him. It was no use.

"Why not? You and your wife will be free to go, granted you never speak a word of this."

"You think we're stupid enough to believe you would let us just walk out of here?" I could see the fire in Xander's eyes and part of me, the cowardly part, wished he would just let this thing go. But I knew he wouldn't.

"Xander, please," I heard myself begging.

"See? She understands my offer."

I felt like I died a little inside when I saw Xander's face. The look was pure betrayal. I had to look away.

"I love when a married couple finally show how divided they truly are. Now, sign it." Li pulled a folded paper out of his jacket pocket and flattened it out on the table, holding a generic pen out to me.

I glanced back at Xander. He was begging me to stay true to our cause, to not give in to the devil's offer of freedom. I was too scared.

I couldn't see the forest for the trees.

I was so terrified of Li and H-Corp.

I scribbled my name onto the paper, the guttural cries of my husband hitting my ears and making my heart break.

"I'll sign for him," I said quickly, wanting this to just be over.

"No can do, madam," laughed Li. "I'm not giving you a legal loophole you can squeeze through like a rat in a sewer. No, he will sign himself. And if he doesn't..."

I heard a click next to my ear. I felt something cold and hard pressed against my temple.

The room began to spin and I lost the ability to breathe.

Xander had been livid. Uncontrollable.

But now...

Now he was suddenly still.

I looked into his eyes. He looked very sad and I will never forget that look he gave me.

"I'll sign," he said.

"Good. Bring him forward, but don't take your hands off of him. I don't trust him," Li sneered.

"Feelings are mutual," muttered Xander.

The minute Xander scrawled his signature on the paper, the gun was lowered from my head.

Everything for the next few moments was a blur.

* * *


I felt bile rise up in my throat the moment that the gun was put to Aster's head.

I wanted to throw up. I wanted to give up.

But that bull dog inside of me wouldn't let me.

I was determined to take down H-Corp and if Li wanted to play dirty, then so would I.

"I'll sign," I hear myself saying.

I still felt betrayed by my wife. But I know she was just horribly afraid.

I knew what she was probably feeling and thinking.

Right now I just needed to get us out of here so I could think straight.

We needed a plan.

I had all the information I needed to sink this arrogant human, if you could really call him human at this point.

I was more certain than ever that he was Satan himself.

I scratched my name onto the paper and felt sudden relief that the gun was taken from Aster's head.

I can't lose her and I will do anything to keep her.

I know Li will never leave us alone.

Especially now.

We have made a deal with the devil, and only a miracle of God can get us out of it.

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