Chapter Forty-Three - Truth and Lies

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Aster and I followed Li into my office, him entering first like he owned the place. I suppose he did if you got right down to it, but still, it was my office.

My office.

The man leisurely walked over to the tree branch I had in the corner and slowly stroked the jagged end. My skin crawled as he stared at it like it was the face of a dearly departed loved one.

"Why do you keep this?" His eyes slid to me and he placed his hands behind his back, walking over to my desk.

"It's a motivator."

"A motivator, eh? I recognize this. I'm rather surprised you kept it. He went feral, if you recall. There was nothing to be done."

"He didn't have to be killed," I stated flatly, pulling the robe tighter around me.

"There wasn't a cure."

"Are you saying there's one now?"

Li gave me a scrutinizing stare before snapping his reply. "No."

I chalked one point up for me. He was definitely hiding something.

"Sit." He moved behind my desk and sat in my chair.

Great. Now it would have to be cleansed of his filthy stench.

I held back a snarl as Sana, that traitor, shoved Aster into a chair. Aster looked so fragile. I wanted to scoop her up and run away. But I wanted Li dead more.

I stepped over to the armoire and retrieved a clean set of fatigues. I glanced at Li. "I'm sure you won't mind if I change?"

Li turned his attention to Aster and I tried to ignore the stupid traitor's leering stare. It didn't matter to me what she saw, because if I had my way, she wouldn't be seeing the light of the next day.

"So, my dear, now that you've had some time to think and observe Xander in his hybrid form, what do you think?" I watched his eyes light up at he spoke. It was disgusting.

Aster looked uncomfortable, her ears laying low and her tail slowly sweeping the floor behind her chair. If I were a gambler, and I wasn't, I could almost say with certainty that Sana was making Aster more nervous than anything else. Sana'a wolf stench was so thick you could cut it with a knife. I seriously could not think of how she kept it from us.

"I hate that you used my husband to further your sick agenda," said Aster quietly. Her tone may have been soft but it was laced with pure hatred.

Li leaned back in the chair and chuckled, his expression condescending and belittling. "Your husband was a thorn in my side. I just took that thorn and weaponized it so it would be useful instead of annoying."

"You killed him for your own purposes."

"Of course. I'm not denying that, my dear. I'm frankly surprised it took you so long to figure out. I knew with his tenacity he would be the perfect specimen for my lion experiment. See, these other experiments, they weren't up to par for lion augmentations. I mean, can you imagine our slender little Namjoon walking around like the king of the jungle?" Li laughed darkly and I wanted to punch his face into his rear end.

I moved over to Aster and sat down next to her, hoping just my presence could offer her some support.

"I believe Namjoon is one of the most honorable men I have met. At least he's head and shoulders above you."

"You've not known him as long as I have," said Li, smiling sadly at me as if I were the son he wished he could be proud of.

"Stop the chit chat, General. What do you want?" I was getting impatient and wanted his attention off Aster.

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