Chapter Twenty-Nine - Moonsik

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"Moon! Hurry! Nanny Song said it's movie time!" Jin pulled at Moonsik's little arm, tugging him along to the movie room.

"Aw, hyung, c'mon, you know it's just gonna be some lame movie again. I wanna watch an action movie! A super hero movie! Anything but some stupid princess movie again."

Jin giggled and shook his head. "We're watching Captain America! It's Namjoon's week to pick!"

"R-really?! It's a super hero movie?!" Moonsik jumped up and down, his floppy black hair bouncing right along with him.

"Yep! See, it's your birthday tomorrow. It's Joonie's present to you, but don't tell him I told you!"
Jin winked at the younger boy and kept tugging him along, though this time he didn't have to use as much force.

They entered the movie room and Yoongi and Namjoon were seated on the sofa. Everyone else was splayed out on the floor, hugging pillow and stuffed animals, blankets scattered over them in a haphazardly manner.

"Moon! Come sit by me!" Yoongi waved him over, his little kitten, Sugar, nestled in his lap already sleeping.

"Yeah! Sit with us," smiled Namjoon.

Moonsik crawled onto the sofa and snuggled in between his two friends, eyes excitedly glued to the TV.

"You're gonna love this movie," giggled Namjoon.

"Oh yeah? Jin-hyung told me it was Captain America!"

"Moon! I told you not to tell him!" whined Jin, looking at Namjoon apologetically.

"I'll talk to you later, hyung," said Namjoon in a false angry tone.

"Hyung, can I hold Sugar?" Moon asked Yoongi, reaching one little hand over to rub the kitten's ears.

"Sure! He likes you a lot," smiled Yoongi.

"I like him too. He's so pretty." Moon cradled the kitten in his chubby arms and held him close to his chest. He yawned as he turned his eyes back to the TV.

"Sleepy already?" Yoongi questioned, stretching his own black blanket over Moon's legs.

"He got shots today," said Taehyung, looking over his shoulder from his place in the floor.

Everyone nodded and hummed their agreement.

Shots were awful.

They hurt and always made one tired.

"It's okay, hyung," said Moonsik, "I'll stay awake! I've always wanted to watch a super hero movie!"

Everyone shouted their excitement as Nanny Song walked over to the large monitor and pressed a button on the computer keyboard. "You boys behave or I'll shut it off and you'll go to bed early, understand?"

Everyone said yes ma'am and Nanny Song seemed satisfied. She was just a big softy anyway. She tried to act tough, but the boys got away with more than their fair share of naughty behaviors when she dealt with them.

"Happy birthday, Moonie," said Namjoon, nudging the little guy next to him.

Moonsik grinned and threaded one of his arms under Namjoon's. "Thanks, hyung. This is the best birthday present ever," he whispered.

Namjoon smiled proudly as the movie came on.

Everyone loved Moonsik. He wasn't the youngest of the group, that was Jungkook, but he was in between Jungkook and Taehyung regarding his age. He had been brought to H-Corp's feline unit right after birth. His single mother had died while having him and it was a perfect scenario for H-Corp to take him under their wing.

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