Chapter Twenty-Two - Decisions

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I felt repulsed by the bra.

Everything else Doctor Park had brought me had been pristine.

It was just a simple pair of military-style fatigues.

I didn't put on the socks until I got outside the shower room. They would have just gotten wet anyway.

I opened the door and found Taehyung outside of it.

I always found my eyes drawn to his ears and his tail.

His hair was silvery white with black strands scattered throughout. It was so out of the ordinary, I thought it was really intriguing.

His blue eyes did nothing to help with that curiosity. So intense was his gaze, it could suck you in for hours if you let it.

He was a beautiful creature.

But he was still a creature.

Part white tiger, part man.

An unnatural mashup of nature.

"You know, if you ever want to touch them, you just have to say the word," he whispered, winking at me as he leaned back up, probably having noticed me staring.

"Whatever," I mumbled, reaching down to tug one sock on.

I was weak.

The hot shower did nothing but make me weaker and that made me even more grouchy.

I staggered a bit as I put the other sock on.

"When you're done acting like a drunk woman, we should get back to your cell."

I huffed off angrily, walking in front of him but then thinking better of my decision. "You go first," I said.

"Oh, how kind," he said, chuckling softly. He stepped ahead of me and I followed behind, trying to not be mesmerized by his gently swaying black and white tail.

When he stopped at my cell door, I bumped into his back and stumbled back, embarrassed.

"Was someone distracted?" He laughed at me with his eyes and laid his hand on the scanner at my door. It unlocked and the light above the handle blinked green.

I almost felt panicky at the idea of having to go back into that small room. It probably smelled and...

Taehyung pushed open the door and a pleasant smell wafted to my nose.

It smelled like...

"I hope you like pink roses. The General sent them down. Also, Jimin had the room cleaned and...well, for lack of a better term, fumigated, while you were bathing. The sheets are clean, the blankets replaced, and all the little creatures that had been living on your skin and the ones you brought with you have been murdered." He smiled smugly and folded his arms across his chest.


"I told you, we aren't here to hurt you."

I was taken aback by their kindness. Or maybe it was just an obligation to make sure I didn't go crazy and kill myself.

My hands touched a rose petal and it was so soft and velvety. They were beautiful, but clearly cut from a wild bush. Not cultivated beauties like I was used to.

I felt my shoulders slump and a sob bubbled up in my chest, but I swallowed it down.

I was sick of crying.

"Thank you. Thank you all," I mumbled, keeping my back to Taehyung.

"I'll go now. I think Jimin will be in here in a moment."

I heard the door close and I took a deep breath, steadying myself on the table.

I was so utterly confused.

If they were trying to wear me down with kindness...

It was working.

* * *


"Jimin has administered the second dose."

I tapped my fingers on my desk and stared at the polished finish of it.

"I hate this," mumbled Taehyung, again pacing the floor of my office. "She's so broken, hyung. So confused and broken."

"I know. I'm going to go talk to her again soon. I just want to make sure she won't react badly to this serum before I do. I'm in no mood to deal with cat scratches."

"The roses were a nice touch."

"You think? Did she like them?" I couldn't help but ask. He was there, while unfortunately, I wasn't.

"Yeah, she did. I think she was surprised at everything."

"I'm sure she wasn't expecting it."

"No, she definitely wasn't."

"I hate the entire idea of doing the hybridization process on her, but if Li found out we ignored his orders, he will be breathing down our necks. I can't have him underfoot right now."

"Did Yoongi-hyung talk to you about the south camp?"

"Yeah. I'm sending a few trucks there tomorrow. Is it that bad?"

"Getting close. We will need to split into two locations or something soon."

"Just a while longer," I said, my frustration probably showing on my face.

"I'm going to go. I need to find some dry pants."

I laughed a little as he waddled out of my office.

My men were one in a million.

I was surrounded by some of the best people you would ever find on the planet.

I was never more convinced of that than when Li has sent down orders for the Extinction.

My men had shown their true colors then.

I had never been more proud.

We were brothers, but most of the time in families, there's always one sibling who goes against the grain.

That's the thing about us.

Not one of us goes against the grain.

We work out our differences and stay unified.

I love them.

They're all special to me.

If there's anyone I would take a bullet for, it would be one of my officers.

But having this woman here was putting us all in more danger.

We would be watched closer because of her presence.

She was someone important to Li, which made her a liability to us.

I had to make a decision and I would have to make it soon.

Bring her into our family fold as a friend, not a foe, or finish up her hybridization and ship her as quickly as I could back to General Li.

If she kept proving to be difficult, the second option would be the only option.

However, if she responded to our kindnesses, the first might be the preferable one.

My fingers massaged my temples and I groaned, leaning back in my leather chair.

Sometimes being a leader was comprised of a series of impossible choices that only led to most unpleasant results.

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