Chapter Forty-Five - Theories

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I sank down into my chair. It had been one long day.

After putting Aster back together the best I could, we decided to keep her sedated, pumping her full of more anesthetic. She was placed back in her cell. I felt it was better to keep her contained rather than Taehyung. He was less dangerous than her at this point. I kept an eye on her stats from my computer station.

I ran my hands over my face and groaned.

"The General is awake." Yoongi stuck his head in the room and I nodded in acknowledgment.

"Jimin, after you talk to him, get some rest. Nothing will get done if your mind isn't clear."

I shook my head. "I need to help Aster. I need to keep hyung and Tae alive."

"You aren't the only one here who cares or who wants to help them, Jimin. We can watch. If something happens, we'll wake you up. Don't make me pull rank on you."

I saw a glint of mischievousness in his eyes and I sighed in defeat. "Fine, its a deal."

I followed him to the main room where Namjoon and Taehyung were on separate beds. Taehyung had woken up a few times but pain medication was keeping him pretty sedated. He was too big and clunky right now to be hobbling around my clinic.

I walked up to Namjoon's bedside and he treated me with a tired and pained smile.



"Do not ask me how I'm doing," he said, his eyes narrowing at me.

I laughed. "I'm pretty sure I know how you're doing."

"How's Taehyung?"

I looked over at the sleeping cat. "As well as can be expected."


I glanced over at Yoongi and Jin, both standing on the other side of the bed. They shook their heads slightly, indicating they hadn't told him yet.

I pulled up a stool and sat next to Namjoon, looking down at my hands folded in my lap. "Aster is a different story."

"I saw Xander take a pretty good chunk out of her."

I nodded solemnly and looked him dead in the eyes. "I patched her up," I started, watching his eyes lock onto mine, waiting for me to continue.

"But something changed in her, hyung."

"What do you mean?"

"Code F, Joon." Yoongi's quiet and calm voice rolled over the bed and into Namjoon's ears.

His eyes grew wide and then angry. "How? What happened to make her go feral?"

I shrugged helplessly. None of us knew. None of us every knew why or how Moon went feral. Aster going feral was just as much unchartered territory as Moon was.

"I want to talk to Li," he said bitterly, laying his head back against his pillow. 

"Not a good idea," sighed Jin.

"I didn't ask if you thought it was a good idea, Lieutenant. I said I want to talk to him."

"General, he's given us two days before he makes a decision concerning our future." Jin was now standing straighter and avoiding eye contact with Namjoon. The mood was too tense.

"I don't care! He knows what happened to Moon and he will know what's going on with Aster. He will know how to fix her!"

I saw tears building in the outer corners of Namjoon's eyes and I slowly moved away from the table. Reaching into a drawer, I pulled out a small bottle and syringe. While Namjoon was still ranting about needing to fix Aster, I slowly filled the syringe and walked back over to the bedside. Yoongi saw me and quickly acted as though he saw nothing.

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