Chapter Twenty-Eight - Unravelling the Mystery

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"Li is coming here in two weeks."

Everyone became instantly silent.

I watched as Namjoon dropped his head and after a moment he began walking again.

"That is not good," mumbled Yoongi, coming up beside me.

"If he shows up here we are all as good as dead," said Hoseok.

"I don't think we need to worry," said Taehyung, sauntering past us with a smile on his face.

I was confused. "I think this is plenty cause for worry!"

Taehyung stopped and spun around to face me. "You should have been like me and worried a long time before now."

"What is that supposed to mean? And don't forget your place, Taehyung." I growled and stepped forward to meet him.

"Whoa, didn't you guys already get this aggression out during the hunt? No need to fight." Jimin stepped between us and bumped Taehyung back a few steps with his backside.

"Go catch up with the General and tell him what you've been doing, Tae," he said over his shoulder, never breaking eye contact with me.

"Jimin, what is going on?"

Yoongi and Hoseok were standing on either side of me now. We all had questions it seemed.

"Tae isn't some ignorant player like you all seem to think he is. He actually had the forethought to get ready for a time like this." Jimin shrugged and turned to walk away.

I wasn't satisfied with his answer. Grabbing his shoulder I jerked him to a halt.

"What did he do?" I said lowly.

"He's had the camps digging underground shelters." Jungkook passed all of us and kept walking back to the post.

"Jungkook! You always ruin my fun!" Jimin whined and stomped after the Major.

"Did you two know anything about this?" I watched Jimin and Jungkook take off on a foot race.

"I didn't notice," shrugged Hoseok.

"Neither did I. But I'm not going to be mad about it," said Yoongi, yawning. "Let's go. I feel nasty and I need a nap before nightly rounds start."

I stayed behind a few moments, wondering how my entire line of command were okay with not knowing what each other were up to. How could one make up his own rules and no one bothered to reprimand him? It was a great idea, but who even knew if it would work?

How could we keep Li from not seeing the evidence of hundreds of people?

* * *


I ran to catch up with Namjoon. When he was upset, the man could move fast.

"Hyung! Wait!"

He waved me off and kept walking. I didn't take that for an answer though.

Catching up to him I matched his pace, trying to catch my breath and still keep moving.

"Hyung, look, Li won't notice a thing. I promise."

"How, Taehyung? Just how is he not going to notice hundred of people? We can't move them somewhere else right now. We don't have a place for them to go!"

I could definitely feel the frustration pouring off of him.

Everything we had worked so hard for was about to be ruined.

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