Chapter Nineteen - Jungkook

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I was finally starting to feel better.

I didn't feel like I was burning from the inside out, my headache was gone, and I was starving.

I found myself pacing the room as I watched the door anxiously. I needed someone to bring me some food before I gnawed off my own arm.

But no one had come and I was now agitated.

It was quite uncharacteristic of me to get riled up so easily.

I'm blaming it in the hunger.

Thankfully, I wasn't left waiting much longer.

A younger man walked through the door with a tray. It was oversized and covered in various containers.

I felt myself practically drooling.

I hurried towards the glass and I stared at the tray as it moved towards my locked door. My hands were shaky and I almost clobbered the guy as he stepped inside.

A sharp intake of air stopped me in my tracks and I timidly looked up at the man, noticing his spotted ears and tail that was low and slow in it movements.

I almost didn't even find the hybrid appearance strange anymore. I had only been here a few days but I had seen Doctor Park every day and at least one to two other men, all with ears and a tail.

I knew it should be weird to me but it wasn't, and for a split second that bothered me.

"I rememberl your face, but remind me of your name," I whispered, my eyes still staring hungrily at the tray.

"Jeon Jungkook, Major."

He spoke so quietly I wasn't sure what he said at first. But as he gently nudged the tray in his hands towards me, I forgot everything.

I almost cried as I lifted the covers off the plates. A sandwich, some soup, fresh veggies, some fruit, and two cookies for dessert. A bottle of fruit juice, one of tea, and one of soda stood on one corner of the tray. It was almost like someone wasn't sure of what I would want so they just included a little of everything.

If I wasn't being held against my will, I might have almost appreciated the gesture.

The man named Jungkook hovered by the door, almost as if he wasn't sure if he should stay or leave.

I looked at him over my shoulder. He didn't seem too threatening. Not with those big eyes.

"Come, please keep me company. I'm actually feeling better and up to a little conversation."

"I don't know..."

I turned and looked at him, desperate to have him stay. I need to find out everything I could and I also really did want a little company. It helped me think of Xander less.

"Please. Just for a bit."

A soft sigh accompanied the man as he walked over to my table and hesitantly sat down.

"Your name is Jungkook?"


"And your hybrid is a...cheetah?"

His eyes lit up when I asked that. He must be really proud of it.


"So, do you run?"

I asked an honest question and I don't know why he laughed. Perhaps it was the irony of it. He had a nice laugh.

"Only when necessary."

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