Chapter Thirty - Aftermath

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I don't even know what happened.

One minute everyone was yelling and Moonsik was feral.

The next minute I was on top of Yoongi on the ground, him screaming into my face that I had just killed his best friend.

A pair of arms lifted me up, jerking me away from Yoongi.

I was dazed, frustrated, and in shock.

"Taehyung, don't listen to him," Namjoon whispered beside my ear.

I was shaking.

I had seen Moonsik preparing to launch himself at Yoongi who had his back to him. I didn't know the sergeant's men would fire. I just wanted to save my brother from being attacked.

I learned later that I had given the men with guns the clear shot they had needed to take Moonsik down.

Namjoon was the only thing holding me up at that point. Yoongi had scrambled over to Moonsik and was cradling his bleeding body in his own arms, sobbing and muttering things like he would never forget him, why did he have to do something so stupid, why didn't he stay with the group, and other things.

My chest hurt. Nothing in our training had ever prepared any of us for the phenomenon of going feral.

Hoseok and Jin huddled around Yoongi, while Jimin and Jungkook came over to Namjoon and I.
I felt a sob shudder through me as I locked eyes with Jimin. His were tears and soft and he simply grabbed me into his arms from Namjoon, who willingly let me go after seeing I wasn't going anywhere.

"You didn't kill him, Tae," whispered Jimin. "You didn't."

I couldn't put anything I was thinking or feeling into words. All I could see over Jimin's shoulder was Yoongi holding a bloody Moonsik.

I would never forget that sight as long as I lived.

* * *


I held Moonsik and forced his eyes closed with my fingers. His body was still warm but quickly cooling. His hybrid features had been frozen on his body, not disappearing even when he died.

I knew he was broken when I looked into his eyes. I just held onto hope that the sergeant was wrong.


It was a foreign concept we hadn't been taught about.

My heart was broken because a concept we had never been instructed about had now taken the life of my dearest friend. My kitten had been ripped from me twice.

I felt Hoseok and Jin wrapped around me and I felt like we four were in our own little world. Barricaded from the murderers outside. I would hold bitterness and hatred for that sergeant for the rest of my life.

How did they know Moonsik couldn't have been rehabilitated? Why didn't they have an anecdote for it? Why couldn't they have just tranquilized him and taken him back to the clinic and try to find a fix for this?

So many whys were filling my mind and it was too much.

I sobbed and screamed, rocking Moonsik and I didn't care about the masssive amount of blood I was getting covered in.

Jin shushed me, running his hand down my head. "Yoongi," he said quietly, "we have to let him go. We will make sure he's not forgotten. But we have to go now."


"Hyung, he would want you to move on. C'mon, let's go get cleaned up. Then we can plan a funeral for him. Something nice, hm?" Hoseok tried to smile through his own tears and I knew he was speaking reasonably.

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