Chapter Forty-Four - Two Days

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I placed one more stitch into the last puncture wound on Jungkook's shoulder. He had been such a trooper, never grimacing, never showing any discomfort.

"Alright, Major, you're done," I mumbled, placing the leftover sutures in the small trash bin beside me along with my bloody latex gloves.

He rolled his head around a few times before showing the first expressions since he had arrived. "How is he?"

He nodded towards Taehyung who was still asleep on the gurney against the wall. I would eventually need to move him to the cell Aster had been in, but I had to finish mending Jungkook first.

I was exhausted. The adrenaline had finally worn off and although I knew it wouldn't happen, I wanted nothing more than a long nap. "He will be fine. He won't like the fact he will have to stay in tiger form for a while, but if all goes well and he behaves himself, he should be feeling better in a few days."

We healed quicker than the average human, but major traumas still had the potential to knock us on our butts.

I watched Jungkook shrug on a fresh T-shirt from my private stash. "Is Xander as strong as he looks?"

The other three heard my question and walked over to hear Jungkook's answer.

He frowned slightly and sighed. "Yeah. He is. I don't know what H-Corp was trying to create, but they succeeded. He's fast, strong, almost limitless. I was winded before he was. That's the only reason he was able to drag me back here."

Jungkook blushed and shoved his hands into his pockets. "Also, I would like to ask that we never speak of that moment again."

Yoongi smirked and nudged Jungkook playfully. "Don't want people knowing you, an officer in the great BCU, were thrown and drug around like a ragdoll?"

"Hyung," whined Jungkook.

"That's enough," said Jin somberly. "We better get to Li before he sends his minions-"

Jin's words were cut short when the door to my clinic was slammed open and in traipsed that God-forsaken lion again. Only this time he had someone draped over his shoulder.

"Not another one," I mumbled as Xander flopped the body down onto the floor.

"Namjoon?!" Hoseok ran over to the side of our leader and glared up at Xander.

But my surprise wasn't over as Sana, the woman from the survivor camp, came in next with Aster draped over her shoulder.

Aster was unceremoniously thrown down on the floor, moaning and bleeding.

"What has happened?" demanded Jin, boldly approaching Xander and Sana like they were mere peasants.

"We owe you no explanation," smirked Sana, brushing herself off and grumbling about the blood on her uniform.

I noticed her ears and her tail and I fumed. How had she hidden this from us? I stalked up to her and shoved her over to a wall, pinning her there by the throat. "You've been infiltrating us this whole time?"

Xander growled and gripped my shoulder, tossing me aside like I was a piece of trash. I hit the floor none too gently and groaned in pain.

"Doctor, stay away from this. We need you alive and whole. Taehyung, Jungkook, all of us need you. Don't do anything else stupid."

I glared up at Yoongi as he spoke while pulling me back up to my feet.

"She's been spying on us, hyung. What, were you reporting everything we did back to that psycho?!" I was screaming at Sana as Yoongi held me back, my face red with anger I was sure.

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