Chapter Thirty-Nine - Comeback of a King

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This was not happening.

Okay, this was happening.

Li showed up early.

He showed up a whole week early.

We should have seen this coming. We should have known. We should have prepared. He was always one step ahead of everyone. Always outsmarting his enemies, planning for every possible scenario before he made a move.

We should have known.

I feel sickened by his dark smile as myself and the other three are led out to some waiting military trucks.

I try to ignore all the weapons aimed at us. No one holding weapons held any loyalty to us. Li must have brought them all along. Behind one vehicle was a large canvas covered truck. I wondered what could be hidden there.

"I hear you all have been quite busy. I've come to see how my sons are handling their responsibilities."

He had always called us his sons. His boys. His own filthy creations made for no other reason than to help him grab all power possible and then some.

We were all ushered into an off-road vehicle with Li taking up the front passenger seat.

"I already know my precious new experiment isn't in her cage. So, which one of you will tell me where she is?"

His voiced dropped with arrogance and pride. I wanted nothing more than to slam his head into the dashboard. Repeatedly.

"Don't know," growled Yoongi from beside me.

Jungkook and Jimin were in the backseat. I could feel Jimin sliding something into my hand that felt cold and metallic. I glanced down and saw a pair of surgical steel scissors. Was he implying an assassination? It was too soon for that. But it just proved how much hatred stirred inside of us at just the sight of Li.

The truck hit a deep rut and we were all jostled, Jimin's hand losing its grip on the weapon.

Li turned his head at the clinking noise and a smirk spread across his face. "Pick up what you dropped, Jimin."

I closed my eyes in frustration before glaring over at Jimin who had slumped down into his seat.

Li slowly turned in his seat and pointed a pistol at my head. My eyes crossed as I looked down the metal barrel.

"Now, Jungkook. Tell me where my kitten has gone and please hurry. I'm running out of patience. Also, Jimin, be a good boy and pass up that medic bag."

* * *


I stood in front of Aster, Taehyung, and Namjoon. My weapon was in my hands and I had long ago clicked off the safety. I did my best to remain calm as I heard the vehicles approaching. The scents in the air confused me. I smelled my brothers but I also smelled something quite different.

Two vehicles, one off-road truck and another large canvas covered truck pulled up to the edge of the clearing.

Namjoon was snarling behind me and I saw him begin to pace, his ears back and his teeth bared.

"General, calm down. Keep your wits." I turned back to see someone getting out of the truck whom I never wanted to see.

"Hoseok! It's so good to see you again!"

My weapon went up immediately, aiming directly at Li. I hated him. I hated him for creating me, for ruining every good thing I ever could have had in life. He took away my freedom and my identity, forcing me into a life of insanity. Just seeing him standing in front of me after all that had happened made my blood boil. My jaw flexed as I held my weapon still.

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