Author Note

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Welcome to the author note! The place where I spew out all my thoughts on this book and your comments!

First, let me say, I HATE GENERAL LI. Yep. I hate him too. Someone needs to start a club.

Secondly, I think he has to be one of my most hideous villains I've written yet. And to be honest, I'm kinda proud of that. 😆

A lot of you may have questioned the title relevance for this book. But I had two meanings in mind, and at some point I felt it no longer fit, but I left it anyway because I detest when author's change titles and covers (one of those I'm guilty of...bad author).

Before the fall means before the literal Autumn, or fall. Aster's favorite season was fall and in my mind, she was held captive by the BCU but she wanted to make it home before the Fall. I didn't convey that and it's a pretty weak meaning. 🤦🏻‍♀️

Secondly, Before the Fall, meant, before the fall of humankind facilitated by Li of course - the extermination. Again, it's a terrible title as far as relevance goes, because everything happens after it...but hey, we're sticking with it. 💪🏼

This story was a two-fold challenge for me. First, it was a AU I hadn't explored using yet, and it was also my first story I had written in the first person POV. I found I really enjoy writing that way.

Your comments kept me going. I'm not even kidding. Some of you got quite involved in this story and even began talking to each other about theories and such. It was hysterical at times! 😂 Thank you for being so kind as to vote and comment. Many times I wanted to give up on this book but your interest prompted me on. 🙏🏻

This story was quite fun for me. I loved the hybrid aspect. I hope you enjoyed it as well and to be honest, I really look forward to the sequel and I hope you'll join me.

Till next time,

Happy reading!

💜 Avid_Rdr

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