Chapter Twenty-One - The Unknown

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I held the small bundle of clothing in my hands and I couldn't help but wonder what it would have been like had I never entered H-Corp.

Would I be married?

A kid or two?

What would the world even be like?

Probably peaceful. Or at least, still existing.

I had been in H-Corp as long as I could remember anything.

From the nannies placed over us, it was commonly said that we were all born in the same litter.

As if humans could have litters.

But neither I, nor any of the other kids with me, knew any different and their lies became our truths.

Jungkook would often talk to me about his curiosity regarding his real past.

None of us knew our parents. At least not us younger ones.

I'm not sure what the older ones remember.

It's really not something we sit around and discuss.

The past is the past.

What's done is done.

How can we change it now?

I heard the water shut off inside the shower room and I pushed myself off the wall.

I patiently waited a few more moments before opening the door.

Steam billowed around the room and it took a moment for my eyes to adjust.

I saw her, wrapped in the oversized towel, dripping wet, and looking generally better.

It's amazing how a shower can be so magically healing.

"I brought you some clothes," I said, throwing them down on the bench coated in steamy condensation. "I hope the shower was hot enough," I said, smirking to myself.

"It was nice, actually, thank you."

Her voice was quiet. I frowned a bit.

"Anything I can help you with?"

"You could leave or at least turn around so I can get dressed."

Her tone was laced with a bite and I smiled, knowing the serum was subtly working.

"Fine, have it your way." I turned my back and stared down at the floor to avoid the temptation of the mirrors.

I heard some shuffling and then the sound of a dropping towel. I bit my lip and swayed on my legs. "How are you feeling?"

"Aside from discovering the fact I'm growing ears and a tail, I guess I'm fine."

I smiled even wider. Every hybridization was a crap shoot. This one had gone particularly well, but is as even more pleased to see it working really well.

"What's this..."

She muttered and I almost turned out of instinct but I somehow managed to stop myself. "What's what?" I said over my shoulder.

"You found me a bra? I thought you said...wait... what are these brownish...are these blood stains?!"

I heard her gasp and I spun around, grimacing as I managed to squeeze my eyes shut right as she snatched her towel back up. I'd had enough from this woman and it didn't help I was already slightly on edge.

"Look, I was promised it was clean. I can't do a thing about the stains. You're just going to have to live with it. It's not like we have a women's underwear shop at this post. We don't even have any female soldiers here. Just...wear the thing and stop acting like a prissy baby!"

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