Chapter Thirteen - Meet the BCU

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The officers of the BCU had assembled in Doctor Park's clinic, each receiving a full physical from the doctor himself.

Everyone was finished, except the last, Jungkook.

"You seem quiet today," mumbled Doctor Park, shining a light into Jungkook's human ears just to make sure they were free of obstructions or parasites. Human ears became useless once a hybrid's augmentation was complete. They were then no more useful than for collecting dust.

"I'm just a bit...skittish," whispered Jungkook, keeping his eyes lowered. His tail whipped nervously behind him, making Jimin dodge it more than once.

"For the love of everything, keep that thing still. It's furry but no more than a whip right now, Jungkook," ground out Jimin through clenched teeth. He shoved a digital thermometer under Jungkook's tongue and waited impatiently for the beep.

"She's just a human, Jungkook. A job sent to us by HQ. We will do our job and send her back."

"Wha im she-"

"Stop talking around the thermometer. What if she finds out? Then we tell HQ she didn't survive the augmentation. And it will be the truth." Dark Park's cold expression made Jungkook even more nervous, causing his tail to whip back and forth even quicker.

"For the love of- KEEP THAT THING STILL."

Namjoon slowly approached the two hybrids and laid a calming hand on Jungkook's shoulder. "Let me worry about the what if's, Major," he said with a warm smile. "Why not take some of the enlisted for a run today? You need to burn off some of this energy and it would be good to keep the troops active while we work our way through this problem. Tired hybrids cause less problems."

Jungkook nodded slowly. A run would do him good.

"First, however, I want us all introduced to the new ward. We need to make sure she knows who she's being kept by so she won't do anything stupid. Don't hold back. It's important she sees just who we are."

* * *


I was now fully awake.

And being fully awake meant my mind was racing at a crazy speed.

I made plan after plan in my head, just trying to think of one that might have the outcome I desired.

But every hypothetical plan I made also hypothetically failed.

I was mentally exhausted.

And hungry.

I'm not sure how I was so hungry in a situation like I found myself in, but my stomach made sure to sing the song of its people at least every five minutes.

I knew crying out wouldn't help.

I had seen no one except that doctor.

Not even a nurse.

He was handsome enough, looked like he could be flirted with easily.

Perhaps I could win him over and weasel my way out of this awful place.

I jerked when I was startled by the only door in the room opening.

I watched seven men file into the room, each a different hybrid and rank. Doctor Park led the line over to the table I was strapped to and I tried to remain calm.

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