Chapter Ten - The BCU

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I have no idea how long we were in the air.

I was out cold.

I can only assume they drugged me with something really strong.

As my eyes opened, it took a while for them to adjust enough for me to even see somewhat straight.

I didn't even trust my legs to stand on and was glad we were still flying so I wouldn't have to try.

Every part of me felt like lead.

I looked out the window only to see blue sky and clouds. Nothing to really indicate where I was.

"Wh-where..." I only managed to get that one word out.

The medic beside me saw my lips moving and leaned down as I repeated it slowly.

"Where are we? Somewhere over the Pacific. Where are you going? The BCU. Good luck, lady." He smirked at me and I felt my stomach turn.

What in the world is the BCU?

In all our research on H-Corp, I don't remember ever seeing anything about the BCU.

But from what I've heard from everyone around me, it doesn't seem like a vacation spot.

I feel fear building up in my chest.

Li wouldn't send me some place mediocre.

He's going to make me suffer.

Torture me to death.

He hates Xander and I.

He won't make life easy for me.

I feel panic building on top of the fear.

But I can't move to try and help myself calm down.

I'm like a literal dead weight in my seat.

My head leans back and I feel tears run down into my ears.

Life shouldn't be this way.

I hope whatever the BCU is, it kills me quickly.

Quickly, so Li doesn't get the satisfaction of watching me suffer for long.

* * *


"General, HQ sent a message. We have a new...ward coming in."

My Lieutenant General, Kim Seokjin, slapped a small device onto my desk displaying the message.

"Ward Aster Presley - human - highly combative - hostile - to be detained till further notice - augmentation therapy to be administered and overseen by unit doctor - end."

This was unprecedented. We had just carried out the extinction per protocol. No humans were left except the ones under our command who were undergoing augmentation.

But HQ had saved a human?

Why send them to me?

My unit was calm. I didn't need this kind of unrest in my camp.

"Tell them we don't want her," I sighed, pushing the device back to him.

Jin, as I call him, just smirked and shook his head.

"I think they anticipated that response because the message came in just as the chopper landed. We're stuck, sir."

I growled. I didn't have time to babysit some pathetic human.

"Fine. Take her down to the underground brig. Let the doctor know she's there. I'll assume General Li wants her alive?"

"It seems that way."

We, the BCU, are a special ops unit. We aren't your average military. We're stealthy, we're deadly, and we take no prisoners. We were made this way. This is what we were trained for. We're predatory killing machines. In our area alone, the Extinction happened fifty percent faster than anywhere else in the world.

To be honest, our unit wasn't happy about it, but we were just carrying out orders. Humans aren't our favorite beings anyway. Stupid, pathetic creatures.

I know it's hypocritical of any of us to think that way.

We are, after all, half human.

* * *


I made sure this Aster woman was put into the proper holding cell.

My nose curled at the scent of her.

She stunk.

I'm just glad I'm not the one who has to deal with her. I couldn't handle that smell assaulting me all the time. I have a delicate nose.

My ears twitch as I hear someone coming up beside me.

"Doctor," I mumble, looking back through the glass to the prisoner.

"Lieutenant General," came the reply. "What have you brought me?"

"Apparently, HQ has sent us a human experiment case. Beware, she smells."

The doctor laughed. "You're just sensitive. It can't be that bad. She doesn't look filthy."

"Park, listen, I outrank you, it's true, but we're still friends. And as your friend, I'm telling you, she reeks."

The smaller man shrugged and folded his arms across his chest. His spotted tail flicking slowly and rhythmically from side-to-side. He was always the quiet observer.

"I think HQ wants her alive, so don't do anything stupid."

"I'm offended you would even think that." Smirking, Doctor Park silently walked into the cell.

I watched as he checked her preliminary vitals, blood pressure, temperature, things like that.

And of course, I was right.

He turned his face to the glass, his nose wrinkled up as far as it would go. He mouthed the words, "She's putrid!"

And for the first time in a long time, I laughed.

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