Chapter Twenty-Five - Acceptance

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The book the doctor had given me was dry and boring.

Some musty old book from a war era long forgotten.

The pages were yellowed and the smell of mildew was almost overwhelming.

But it felt like a long-lost friend, simply because it was from a time when H-Corp didn't exist and the world was better off.

I noticed when the doctor came into the observation room, but I really didn't want to talk to him or even give him the time of day.

It wasn't till I heard the voice of my one real enemy that my eyes tore away from the book and I saw his face on the small device in the doctor's hand.

In a split second I was at the glass, looking for any signs of Xander in the background of the small screen.

When Li opened that small door and pulled my husband's body out of what appeared to be some sort of cold storage, I felt every shred of hope in my body crumble.

Nothing felt real anymore.

It all seemed like an eternal hell.

I don't even know when Li stopped talking.

I only remember blindly staggering back to my bed and huddling up in a corner, sobbing and shaking.

And I remember being embraced into a pair of arms, being slowly rocked and swayed.

"I'm so sorry, Xander," I said, more for my own heart than whoever was with me.

The words felt like acid in my mouth, abrasive to my own ears.

I saw his body.

I saw Li's smile.

And now I realized, I was truly alone.

* * *


My heart was hurting for this woman.

Jin and I had been standing outside the observation room when we heard Li's voice. We waited and listened to everything he said to Jimin and Aster.

I wasn't sure exactly how he showed Aster the body of her husband, but he made it very clear the man was dead.

Anyone who opposed Li was doomed to one fate and one fate only.

Which was why we were all surprised that Aster was sent here and being kept alive.

There had to be a reason.

Until it was discovered though, I would have to deal with this head-on.

"I'm so sorry," I sighed, seating myself beside her, pulling her into my arms.

"I'm so sorry, Xander," she said in between her cries. Her arms wrapped around one of my arms and hugged it tightly, her tears running down my sleeve.

I was doing my best to remain detached from her. It was the best course of action to take.

But this unbelievable heartache she had to bear made it difficult for me.

I wanted to help her.

To comfort her.

To make everything okay for her.

I looked at her head and noticed the soft hair starting to cover her new ears.

It was white.

For a moment I thought about what I could do to soothe her in some way.

Anything to help her calm down and catch her breath.

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