Chapter Twenty - Next Stage

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"I hope you're ready for your next dose."

I held up the needle dramatically and smiled as she visibly winced.

"Please, isn't there somewhere I can clean up?"

I sighed. I really wanted to hit her with that second dose for pressuring Jungkook for information unnecessarily. But she really did need a shower, or a bath, or maybe a dip in some bleach.

"I suppose I can let you get a shower."

I almost felt bad when her eyes lit up. I can only imagine how long it had been since she last bathed.

Her outer appearance looked rough.

I can only assume what a mess the inside must be.

Her eyes looked bloodshot and tired. Her skin dull and greasy, along with her hair.

Her breath stank, and her lips were chapped.

I really hadn't taken care of her well.

I felt regretful.

She didn't deserve this.

At least I didn't believe so.

I'm sure if General Li was involved, this was a very much undeserved punishment.

I hated that I had to go along with his plan just to keep up appearances.

"C'mon. I'll show you to a shower. I'll bring in new clothes as well. I'm afraid there's no female nurses here so I'll do my best to be discreet. I ask for your understanding," I said quietly, smiling all the way to my eyes.

She looked at me like she was creeped out by me.


"That sounds like something a creep would say."

"I'm no creep, Aster, I can assure you."

"Sorry, but I'm surrounded by hybrid men and I don't know who is a creep and who isn't. You all look like you could be creeps."

"I'm offended," I said, clutching my hand to my chest. "Please, ma'am, you wound me."

She smiled slightly and I felt a sense of accomplishment swell up in my chest.

"All jokes aside, I'm one of the least harmful people in this place. So, you never need to worry about me. I've sworn to save life, not harm it."

She scoffed at my words.

I frowned.

"Oh, like you've saved mine? Doctor Park, if you even are a real doctor, you've done nothing but harm me since I got here!"

I felt all the warm feelings I had previously had turn cold.

"I can assure you, Mrs. Presley, if I were to have your demise in mind, it would have most certainly already happened." I felt my inner cat welling up and I snarled.

She withdrew back a bit from me.

I can't really blame her.

"Let's go. I'm sick of your stench."

* * *


I don't know why I questioned his role.

Probably because I've begun to question everything since I got here.

I can't say I was upset to hear I was getting to finally bathe though.

My skin had begun to practically crawl it was so filthy.

I followed Doctor Park down a short hallway to a room that was filled with shower stalls and toilets, sinks, and a few benches.

I stood, enjoying the cold tile on my bare feet. It really felt good.

"Left is hot, right is cold. Pull the faucet head to turn it on, push to turn it off. I'll be right back with some soaps and towels."

He had certainly gotten a colder attitude towards me after we left my cell.

The bathroom was mostly white, brightly lit and a bit humid. Someone must have been in here before as there was some water on the floor.

I was wishing the doctor would hurry. I was dying to get out of my filthy clothes.

He did return quickly and flopped some towels on the bench between the long row of showers.

"Here's some soap, shampoo, and towels. I have some clothes coming, but I'm afraid we aren't equipped for women at this post, so you will probably need to wash your bra while you're in the shower. I'm burning the underwear."

I cringed in embarrassment as his nose curled up when he said something about my underwear.

"Actually, I'm burning everything. I'll find you a new bra." He stared at my chest for a moment, tilting his head from side to side.

I was feeling rather violated by the time he looked away.

"I'll see what I can come up with. Meanwhile, take a nice long shower. And no trying to escape. I'll have two men stationed at the door." He smiled tightly and then spun on his heel and left.

I hurriedly shed every piece of clothing on my body, relishing in the feel of the fresh air spreading over my skin.

As the warm water hit me, I sighed, feeling a lot of the tension leave my muscles.

I put some shampoo into my hand and reached up to my hair, grimacing at the thick, greasy feel of it.

I rubbed around and then froze as my hands hit something unfamiliar.


No way.

Panic washed over me like the water from the shower head.

I nervously felt around more and discovered two raised bumps in my head, equal distance apart.

My hands trembled as I felt them, my breathing quickened as I panicked even more.

Was I growing ears?!

My hand flashed back to the base of my spine where another faint bump now was.

I felt a sob rising in my chest and I sank to the floor of the shower, wrapping my arms around my knees.

I felt like I was in a nightmare.

I knew they had given me the hybridization serum, but I didn't know it would grow ears and a tail. I thought those had to be surgically added on!

I was scared of how this might feel.

I was scared of the fact it might be permanent.

I was scared of everything I didn't know.

I needed my husband.

I needed Xander.

Just to feel the comfort of something familiar.

Now, even my clothes were to be taken from me, the last thing I had to remind me of what I had come from.

I looked down at my hands and smiled at my foolishness.

I had forgotten I still had my wedding ring, nestled on the ring finger of my left hand.

I suddenly felt a bit better and slowly stood to my feet.

After a bit longer I was squeaky clean and smelling much better.

I was still nervous about the three bumps I had found but in my heart I knew what they were.

My life was never going to be anything like it once was.

I only hoped Xander would accept the new me after I found him again.

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