Chapter Forty - Diversion

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The trucks with Li and his men left the clearing. I didn't understand why he would leave us here alone, except I could see that thing he created lurking in the trees, as if he were stalking us and waiting for the perfect moment to pounce.

I got to my feet as did the others. Jin looked utterly angry, Jungkook was puzzled, and Jimin was panicked, rushing over towards where Taehyung was lying in more of his own blood.

I made my way over to Hoseok and Aster. Hoseok was angrily pacing and his fingers were flexing around the invisible gun that had replaced his real one.

Li had left us out here defenseless with some hybrid mess keeping watch of us.

I stood in front of Aster, who appeared to be having a small panic attack. She was wheezing in short breaths and her pupils were blown and tears came down her cheeks in rivers. Li was a monster. He was a psychological tormentor.

I groaned to myself and placed my hands on her shoulders. "Aster, look at me," I murmured, moving my head lower to meet her eyes.

"I...what..." she stuttered, still struggling to breathe properly.

"Don't worry about anything right now. Just focus on breathing."

"No, Namjoon!" Her eyes tore away from mine and she frantically searched the clearing.

"He's okay. Just a little dazed I'm sure." I glanced over at the black leopard laying at the base of the tree, still breathing from what I see.

"Look at me, Aster," I said again, this time placing my hands on her face and forcing her head to turn to me.

"Don't worry about anything right now. We're going to figure it all out. Just get yourself together first, okay? Now, breathe in...breathe out. Breathe in...and out...good. Again. Great. Keep doing this." I kept my voice soft and quiet as I spoke to her, grounding her by keeping my hands loosely on her cheeks, and keeping her focused on my words with my eyes. She had been so strong a few moments ago, but when the adrenaline wore off, she caved to the pressure.

"I'm sorry, Aster," I murmured. "I didn't protect you like I said I would. I'm so sorry." My own anger was quietly building beneath the surface as I thought of all the things I should have done instead of what I did.

She let out a choking sob and collapsed into my arms, and I simply held her.

Because that's what she needed the most.

* * *


"Hyung, is he going to be okay?" I was crouched down next to Jimin, listening to Aster sob and Jin and Hoseok grumble as they hovered over Namjoon.

I felt a bit useless at the moment, but I was keeping an eye on that monster on the outer edge of the clearing. I noticed when Yoongi embraced Aster, the lion let out a disgruntled sounding rumble. Neither Yoongi or Aster seemed to notice and frankly, I could not care less if that thing got its feelings hurt.

I felt troubled for all the people now around me. Namjoon was bruised, Jimin was panicking over his best friend, Hoseok sounded frantic, and Yoongi was doing his best to calm down Aster. This wasn't how everything was supposed to go. None of it went according to plan.

At least we were all alive.


"He's lost a lot of blood," whispered Jimin, resting back on his heels as he rubbed his hands across his face. One hand covered his mouth as he stared at Taehyung's broken body.

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