Chapter Thirty-Five - Premonition

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I woke up in a cold sweat.

A glance at the plain digital clock on the wall of my cell let me know it was sometime in the middle of the night.

I sat up and tried to calm my nerves.

It wasn't a nightmare that woke me up, but rather just a sick feeling of dread deep in the pit of my stomach.

It could have been the new dose in my system, or it could have been a type of sixth sense.

I didn't know.

What I did know was that I had a terrible feeling something was going to happen.

"Bad dream?"

I almost shrieked at the raspy voice coming through the glass.

A light flipped on in the observation room and I saw Yoongi walking up to the glass. Maybe it was my muddled head, but I was sure I saw a glint of concern in his eyes.

"N-no," I mumbled, tucking my arms around myself and shuffling towards him.

Knowing he was there calmed me a bit but I still couldn't relax. I felt jumpy and jittery. My heart was racing and I felt this insane drive to hide somewhere.

"Last dose hitting you hard?"

I frowned and shook my head. "I dunno. I just feel scared."

Yoongi chuckled and nodded slowly. "It's the meds. It's a cat thing. You'll get over it. Go back to bed."

Though his words were dismissive, his tone was anything but that. He smiled softly and waved his hands toward my bed, indicating that's where I should be headed.

But I wasn't going back to sleep any time soon. Not feeling the way I did.

"I don't think I can. I want to talk to the General."

"Look, I know you're upset and I'm sorry, but we can't be bothering him with every nightmare we have. He's still a top-class General, Aster." Yoongi sat down in the folding chair and slumped down in the seat, folding his arms across himself. His tail hung behind him and his ears slowly twitched as he yawned. "Just go to sleep."

I was getting frustrated. Something bad was coming, I could sense it. I just needed to let Namjoon know and he could deal with the information as he saw fit. "No! Take me to the General!"

I saw Yoongi's face harden at my words. He may have a soft spot for my hybrid side, but he was not as soft-hearted for Aster Presley, the human. I softened my tone, and pressed my hands to the glass. I felt my ears lower and my tail twitched nervously. I hated the betrayal these things caused.

"Please, Yoongi. Just...let me put my mind at ease. I'm begging you."

It just might have worked.

"Fine. Just remember, when you want to go for a walk tomorrow and I'm napping, remember that your missed walk is your own fault. I interrupt my naps for no one and I will need an extra long one tomorrow because of this."

He sighed softly and placed his palm on the pad, opening my door. I put my shoes on and followed him.

"Thank you, Yoongi," I said, smiling I watched his tail sway behind him, the thick gray and white fur on it looking beautiful. I found myself wondering what he would look like fully shifted.

"Mm," he hummed. "We'll go to his quarters. Stay quiet. I don't need the whole post woken up."

I nodded, even though he couldn't see me and we walked out into the starry night.

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