Chapter Thirty-One - Bodyguard

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I finished my story and leaned back in my chair. Aster was sitting across from me, tears streaming down her cheeks.

"I hate H-Corp with my whole heart, General," she whispered. "I'm so sorry for everything Li has done to you all."

I smiled bitterly and looked down at my hands. "It's all we've known, Aster."

"It doesn't have to stay that way. You guys can have a different life outside of here."

"We are Li's most valuable assets, Aster," I said looking back up at her. "We have been trained for this since we were toddlers. He has sunk millions of dollars into each of us. He won't ever let us go without a fight, and probably one to the death. That's about the only way someone gets out of his tight grip."

"I would prefer not to die," she said softly, looking away from me.

"Even if you have to live this way from now on?" I couldn't help my eyes from drifting up to her stark white ears and the tail that slowly wound itself up and around her hand.

She sighed and I could almost feel the weight of her sadness in it.

"Even right before you came in, I wanted to die. What reason do I have to live on? Li will eventually kill me, I'm sure. I'm really of no use to him. I hate him and I will never serve under him. But your story, about Moonsik, it's made me think. I'm beginning to think I don't want my life to end just yet. I want to live till I can see Li's dead body in a hole somewhere."

I almost laughed at how her nose scrunched up when she said "in a hole somewhere." But I held it in. She was getting her spirit back and I was glad to see it.

"Call me Namjoon."

"I'm sorry?"

"Namjoon. That's my name. I get called General by enough people. I would much prefer to actually hear my own name from someone with a much nicer voice." I smiled and her face slowly eased into a smile in return.

"Alright, Namjoon," she said softly, her ears twitching.

"I'll speak with Doctor Park about getting you some fresh air sometime soon. Would you like to do that?"

Her eyes literally began to sparkle and her smile became wider. "Yes! I really would!"

"Alright. I'll be sure to talk to him."

"But I assume I would need an escort," she said, suddenly losing a smidge of her excitement.

"That's a given," I replied. "You're a female. You can't be wandering around a post filled with lonely men all alone. It's not wise."

She nodded and looked down, seeming to contemplate something. I watched her, though I knew it was rude of me to stare, and if she caught me it might creep her out.

But I couldn't help it.

She was beautiful.

* * *


I could feel his eyes on me. It was a bit unnerving.

I didn't focus on it too long, however, because I had a potential outing on the horizon. I just needed to have a bodyguard.

Namjoon was the General in command of the post. He wouldn't have time to take me on a walk.

I almost laughed at my own thought.

How animalistic of me...take me on a walk. Ha!

"What's so funny?"

His deep voice resonated across the table and into my chest. I immediately looked at him and when his golden eyes met mine I almost felt stifled.

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