Chapter Seventeen - Lucky

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I was sitting in my office, studying the hybrid manuals when Namjoon walked in.

He looked almost...deflated.

My General was a man of honor and integrity. He followed rules and completed orders. Somehow, despite all of the things done to him through the hybridization process, he had still kept his humor and his compassion.

"Hyung, how was your visit?"

"Jimin, I'm conflicted."


I stood from my desk and walked over to the small coffee maker I kept in my office. I poured us both a cup of the tepid substance and walked back to my desk.

I pushed the cup towards him and sat back down.

"When do you administer the second dose?"

I sipped my coffee and took a deep breath. "Tomorrow or the next day. As soon as it seems she's recovered from the starter dose."

"What about the augments?"

"So many questions today," I murmured. "We have about three more doses to get through before I apply the augmentations. Why?"

"Are you sure there's no way to stop?"

"Is she getting to you? See, that's why I stay out of there. I find myself getting all sympathetic and soft."

"Jimin, she looks awful. How long has it been since you checked on her?"

I could see him getting irritated so I sat up a bit more. "This morning. Look, I'm doing my best. She refuses food. Refuses water. I can't say she's even used the toilet since she got here. She's not been an easy one to work with."

"I know you're doing you're best." I watched as he rubbed his face with his hands.

"Look, hyung, I'm not a monster."

We both snickered. It's glaringly obvious we are.

"I won't let anything happen to her. Look." I turned my computer monitor towards him and showed him the hidden camera I had monitoring the room Aster was being held in.

"Jimin, that almost seems-"

"Yah, I'm not that kind of person. The area over her bathroom and stuff is outside the camera's view." I pretended to be offended and spun the monitor back around.

"Okay. I trust you, you know that."

"I know, hyung. Just keep trusting me."

Namjoon stood and walked to the door, speaking over his shoulder. "I'll be back with some food. I'm going to try and get her to eat."

With that said, he left and I was left looking at the monitor, sipping on stale coffee, and watching Aster Presley fight through the biggest change of her life.

* * *


I felt pathetic after the General left.

I kept telling myself that Xander was alive, more to convince myself than anything.

I think somewhere in the depths of my heart I knew the truth.

I curled up on my cot, tugging the blanket the tiger guy left for me. It felt nice to be surrounded by something.

Everything over the last two days was almost a complete blur.

I had fevers and chills, abdominal cramps, headaches, and frequently I saw two of things instead of one.

Every time they offered me food, my stomach turned at the thought of it.

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