Chapter Twenty-Seven - The Hunt

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Today was the hunt.

I breathed in the damp air from yesterday's rain through the window of my office.

It heightened my senses and made me anxious to get started.

It was still dark out, but early morning was one of the best hunting times.

A knock at my door tore my mind away from my hunting plans.


I turned to the door and saw Taehyung walking in.

"Hyung," he said softly.

His voice was still raspy, implying he hadn't been awake long.

"Hey, Tae. Ready for the hunt?" I couldn't hide my excitement.

"Oh...yes. I'm looking forward to out-hunting you this time." He smirked playfully and dropped onto the corner of my desk. He reached out and played with a pen, spinning it in between his fingers.

"Was there something you wanted to say?" I said, noticing his fidgeting. I walked around my desk to face him.

"Aster is asking for you. It's been a few days since you went down to check on her and she says she wants to speak with you. Says it's important?"

"I have nothing to say to her and I'm quite sure she has nothing of any importance to say to me." I walked back toward my window, disappointed it wasn't something more interesting that he had to say.

"Hyung," he said again.

I stopped.

"Why don't you go down and see her for a bit? You know, she looks just like him. Same coloring and markings. Yoongi-hyung hasn't seen her yet, I don't think. I'm sort of thinking one of us should prepare him-"

"Enough!" I snapped.

He jerked to his feet and hung his head.

"Why do I need to go see her?" I walked back to him so I could study his eyes. Taehyung could never lie very well.

He avoided my gaze, just like I thought he would.

"She didn't even ask to see me, did she?"

"Well...not exactly."

"I said in the beginning this woman would not drive a wedge into our brotherhood, yet she already is the cause of us lying to one another?"

"Hyung, it's not like-"

"Enough, Lieutenant!" I snapped my reply, reminding him of his place. "I will see her when I'm ready. Not a moment before. Right now, I have a hunt to attend. I believe you do too."

Taehyung's expression went quite stony. "Yes, sir. Meet you at the clearing in thirty minutes."

He then left.

I sat down at my desk and tried to calm down a bit before I shifted. It was never good to be in feline form when you were angry or riled up. It could potentially lead to worse things.

However, when a message from Li popped up on my screen, I think being in either form was going to be hazardous to my health.

* * *


Six big cats, each terrifyingly beautiful in their own right, sauntered into the clearing, the pre-arranged place of their meeting.

Namjoon stood in the middle of the circle and watched as each of his men in their big cat forms circled him. Some laid down, while others stood, their tails hanging low and still.

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