Chapter Thirty-Seven - Code F

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I walked next to Aster. She seemed to be lost in thought and I was still trying to filter adrenaline out of my system from helping set that child's broken leg.

"Sana didn't seem to be surprised at my appearance," muttered Aster, still looking at the ground as she walked.

"She's used to us. Probably didn't even think twice. I wouldn't worry about it."

"Probably. Will Yeonnie be okay?"

She was still looking at the ground as we approached a post and I quickly grabbed her arm, pulling her to the side.

"What was that...?! Oh..." her cheeks turned red as she spoke.

I chuckled. "You were studying the ground so closely."

"It's a bad habit," she mumbled looking down at my hand, still wrapped around her arm.

I dropped it quickly and clasped my hands behind my back. I felt on edge, all of my senses flaring up. I could smell her, hear every breath she was taking, and I sure didn't dare to look at her for any length of time. This woman was getting under my skin and I wasn't ready or wanting this.

"Namjoon, I'm not really ready to go back yet," she said quietly, looking around her.

The post was busy with its usual activity, small ATV's zipping down the paths, soldiers doing laps around the perimeter to keep fit.


Just then my palm com which I had in my pocket, buzzed. Pulling it out, I opened it and saw Jin looking nervous.

"Yes, Lieutenant?"

"Hoseok just reported in from the clearing. A plane was spotted overhead."

"Yes, I've already been informed. Doctor Park is getting further intel."

"That's not all. Some sort of traps were set all around the clearing. Taehyung was wounded."

My anger immediately flamed. "WHAT?!" I roared.

Aster flinched beside me and I took a deep breath to calm myself. "Tell them to come back to the clinic immediately. I will meet them there."

"Hoseok said it's not possible at the moment. Taehyung was shifted. Hoseok is afraid to let him come back to the post like that and he is getting worried. Joon..."

"Don't even say the word, Jin. I'll head there myself."

"Are you armed?"

"Aren't I always?"

"Be careful."

"Send Jungkook to get Aster. I'll have her wait at the-"

"No, let me come with you!"

I found myself gawking at the woman beside me and firmly shook my head no. "No way am I putting you in danger like that. If something happens and you are hurt or, God forbid, killed, Li will surely kill me then."

"Just...let me come," she said softly, her hand reaching out to touch my arm.

It was a light touch, but enough to send my senses into overdrive once more. I grit my teeth together and leaned my head back. I wasn't only having to deal with a potentially feral teammate, but now this woman was testing me with a simple touch. "No!"

She withdrew her hand and a stubborn look passed over her face. "Well, I hope I don't get lost in the woods then."

She bolted into a full run, heading towards the nearest gate she could see. I slapped my palm com closed and chased after her, cursing under my breath, wondering how I had let my entire post and regiment fall into such disarray.

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