Chapter Fifty-Three - Devastated

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Li kept me close for the first few days. I was jet-lagged and exhausted from lack of nutrition and being kept awake at all hours.

It was like Li never slept. I was never away from his side for a moment and the entire time I can't remember seeing him sleep once.

Which probably explains his moodiness. If I tried to relax my posture or voice my objection to being treated like I was, I received a sharp shock to my throat. I felt like a real animal for the first time. It was degrading.

Then, after we had been back state side for a few days, perhaps a week as best I can tell, I was taken to a cell somewhere deep in H-Corp headquarters. I remember the moment so vividly, because I wondered how I could be so frantic to be taken away from my captor.

He was the known evil in my life. The enemy I knew. I had no idea who the people were who were taking me away. I didn't know where I was going or what would happen.

Li had watched me with a smug smile. I begged. I groveled. I screamed. Anything to get him to change his mind. I would rather stay with what I know.

I remember asking myself if this was borderline Stockholm syndrome? I was definitely not nursing any feelings for that psychopath, but I felt safe with him. I knew what to expect. If he was angry, I was expected to be still and quiet. If he was sitting, I was expected to be next to him on the floor, kneeling.

Now I had no idea what I was to do.

I watched him disappear as I was drug around a corner and down a hallway to an elevator. The people gripping my arms weren't exactly people. They were Li's soldiers of choice, hybrids.

Mice? Rats? I didn't pay that close of attention. I did notice their tails, hairless and thin, like a rodent's would be. It made me cringe and try to keep away from them. Never did like rodents.

I was led into a glass cell, unceremoniously dropped, and left to wonder what would come next. I was petrified, to be quite honest.

As I lay on the cold floor of my cell, I stared up at the stark white ceiling and let my mind try to clear itself. It didn't work. No surprise there.

My fingers drifted up to the collar around my neck. I could tell the skin underneath the metal nodes was raw. I hadn't really been on my best behavior since being taken by Li.

However, other than shocking the devil out of me, he never hurt me. He fed me and made sure I was cared for. It was all very confusing.

I thought about the ones whom I had left behind, who had done the same,  and tears filled my eyes.

Sweet Taehyung, helping me fix the problem with my tail. Yoongi and his stern eyes, but his caring spirit that shone through more often than not. Hoseok with his ever-present smile and hopeful spirit. Jungkook, the quiet servant, and Jin, knowledgeable and trustworthy. Jimin with his medical skills, but with a snarky attitude that ran deep.

Then there was Namjoon...

When I thought of him, the tears flowed freely down my face. He made sure I was taken care of and protected. He talked to me like I was still a complete human and not someone spliced in between two species.

His deep green eyes, shiny black hair, and yes, those amazing dimples, were all qualities I admired about his looks. But it was his leadership skills, his assertiveness, his quiet kindness, and his determination that really drew me to him.

I wish I had paid closer attention sooner. Out of all the officers of the BCU, Namjoon was the one I missed the most.

But would he miss me as well?

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