Chapter 34: Time Warp

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The distinction between past, present and future is only an illusion, however persistant.

- Albert Einstein

By the time I was discharged to go home, Bianca was gone. Gone as in vanished. Sky's parents did not find her when they returned the following day. They were shocked out of their minds when they came to know about Bianca and her deeds. With huge amount of difficulty and endless convincing, they agreed not to tell my family about the incident. I was cared for like their own child. Sky, well, he took care of me like his own baby. Whenever he could, he would tag along with me, even if I had to go to the nearest store. At one point it had felt annoying but I understood his concern. Bianca was on the loose and my safety was yet threatened.

As the years went by, we grew closer. Me, falling deeper with the guy I thought was annoying as hell on our first encounter. Annelise grew up, went to school. I still remember the day she came up running to me with her first star on her class work. Her eyes shone brighter than the gold glittery star that day. Her birthdays were one of a kind. Even if the first ones consisted of just us being the guests, the latter ones were total blasts.

My family still had no idea about Sky and I. Disha called from time to time enquiring about us. I have heard people say that, as time goes by, relations become weak. That once you get what you want, soowly your eagerness to maintain it fades away. But Sky never made me believe that for a single moment. Even when after seven or eight years, when I was posted to village Shakpura after my internship, he kept up with me. Whenever I could, I visited him and he visited me. It was a tedious job but we managed to make it work. Should I have felt guilty for visiting him more than my family? Well, I never felt it.

At nights I would feel sad, feel lonely in the village. Especially since I never grew up in such an atmosphere. There was electricity but for how long? For like half the day? And the network of phone beggars description. There were all kinds of rumors relating ghosts at night. But sometimes, the loneliness would grow so much that I would go to the nearest possible place, which was like a half hour away to get network and talk to him. The moment I heard the ' hello ' from the other end, such peace would descend on me. And nothing can actually describe how I felt. It was a mixture of emotions. Happiness and sadness. Happy to hear his voice and sad because he was far away. Sky had completed his Master's degree and applied for BCS exam.

Imagine his shock when he got selected for the Police Cadre. The distance increased even more as he was transferred to the northern part, me being in the Southern still. A six hour journey by train, twice every two months were all we could do. It was hard, and sometimes months would go by before we could actually meet. And finally the day came.


It had been three months since we had met last. Three whole months. The ache in my heart was killing me! I mean literally! This time we decided to meet at Chittagong. Usually I would go to his training place in Rajshahi or he would come to me. It was easier for me because Shakpura was in Chittagong district. But he had to make a six hour journey home.

So I reached Chittagong and checked into a hotel. Nothing fancy. Because that was actually all I could afford then. I hadn't set up a private practice and villagers required free medical treatment, and I hated charging them highly for my fees. For them, a doctor was akin to a God. So, I made a pact that I wouldn't take high fees from them, just the amount I needed for buying food in exchange for them cooking for me. To them, that seemed like such a huge honor! It fascinated me how simple these people were and how due to their simplicity, they were tortured. Deprived of their rights. It was the purity in their souls that kept the atmosphere there so pure. So true. So, homely and simple.

I walked into the shower with such thoughts in my mind. I shampooed my hair with the mild herbal shampoo I brought on the way to the hotel. I washed my hair and after a thorough bath, stepped out. Towel drying my hair,I put on my robe. For some reason I was tired out of my wits. I barely changed into my pajamas before dropping down on my bed.

I woke up to the sound of my phone blaring. My heart was ready to jump out of me any time. I didn't even need check the caller ID. I knew who it was.

" Hello? " I said.

A hearty chuckle sounded on the other end, " Ah, sleeping were we? "

I dropped my head in the pillow again, smiling. Even after all these years, that idiotic smile always crept up on my face without fail.

" Reached here? "

" About to, " he said, " Maybe half an hour. "

" Mm-hmm, " I mumbled, my eyes feeling heavy again. I could swear that was a war itself. " I'm coming to the station- "

" No, don't! " he cut me off surprisingly.

" Why? Plans with other gentlewomen? " I laughed.

" Yeah, there is a plan with someone, " he said.

" Your mom and Annelise don't count, " I said stiffling a yawn. Yep, I was definitely losing the war. I mentally thanked him for not telling me to pick him up. It sounds selfish but I knew I would go into a coma on thw taxi itself.

" Ah, your dying sense of humor Amaya, " he said chuckling, " One of the reasons I still love you. "

" I love you more, " I replied with a smile.

" I'll call you, " he said softly. " Be ready. "

" Where are we going? "

" Oh someplace, " he said in a mysterious voice.

" Okay then, " I replied. Mumbling a bye, I kept my phone beside me before drifting off to sleep again.

I woke up feeling oh-so-awesome. I needed the sleep. I checked my phone and saw that Sky hadn't called as yet. Yes, I patted myself, I still had time to get ready.

I put on a pair of blue salwar kameez and put on some eye liner. My hair was a disaster. I hadn't combed it after my bath and it was a huge mess of tangles then. I brushed them open slowly and as I was half way through, my phone rang.

" Yeah boo? "

" Would you stop calling me boo? " he said with fake annoyance. I knew he liked it though. He was my baby boo.

" Where should I come? "

" I'm coming to pick you. Where are you? "

I gave him the address. " See you soon, Boo. "

" You too, Auto. "

I rolled my eyes and started doing my hair again. I couldn't dare to let my hair lose. My shampooed hair tends to blow all over my face. I tied my hair in a high ponytail and after some debating decided not to braid it.

I locked the room and after submitting the key to the reception, I went out. Some time later, the familiar car pulled over. I smiled and walked towards it.

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