Chapter 1

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Third person pov

The chosen twelve trainees pack their bags and slowly make their way to their shared dorm. Their dorm is where the twelve will meet for the first time. Unbeknownst to the twelve males, a pair of soulmates are among them. Will the pair be able to balance love and their will to debut, or will it all fall apart like a house of cards?

Kihyun's Pov

I walked into the new dorm, dragging my suitcase behind me. By bringing my suitcase into the dorm, I solidified my life. This is it, this is my final shot at becoming an idol. At becoming someone who influences the lives of others like my idols influenced me. If I don't make it through this, I'm quitting. There have been multiple times where I was close to debuting but my group "wasn't ready." 

This is as ready as I will ever be. I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding as I walked to the multiple sets of bunk beds. I didn't see any other luggage bags near the beds to signify someone claimed them, so I pushed my bag under a bottom bunk. 

I was emotionally exhausted from entering this debut war. There isn't anything set up to do today besides enter the dorms so I lie down on my chosen bunk. I checked my phone quickly, the time read 5:27 PM.

A nap never hurt anyone! I thought as I began to fall asleep.

Shownu's pov

I checked the time on my phone, 7:43 PM. I began rushing to the dorms as I realized I was late. I was told I'd be the oldest trainee, yet here I am, the last one to enter the dorm. I opened the front door and pulled my suitcase in behind me. 

I was told earlier by Starship if I didn't make it through No Mercy I would be kicked out.

 'You're getting too old to be a trainee, Hyunwoo.' Starship has said. 

Even the other trainees are saying my chance is getting slimmer by the day. But I don't care how old I get, I will achieve my dream. I've already been training for years. I can't just let all of this work go to waste! 

No matter what I will make it! I promised myself as I strolled to the bunk beds. 

I found one bed void of items above a sleeping trainee. I quietly pushed my bag under the bunk before walking out of the bedroom. 

    Walking into the living room, I noticed the remaining ten trainees sat in a circle on the floor. Hearing my footsteps, they turned around. They made some more room and one guy waved me over. I walked to the group and sat down. They began introducing themselves one by one. 

    The guy who waved me over said, "I'm Hoseok or Wonho, I'm 21." I was the last to introduce myself. "I'm Hyunwoo or Shownu, and I'm 22." As the eleven of us started talking about our likes and dislikes, I began wondering who the sleeping guy is. 

   After a while of talking, we started playing video games. I grew tired of watching the animated characters fight on the screen. I bid the guys goodnight and walked to the bedroom. I knelt on the floor and dug through my suitcase for some clothes to sleep in. Finding what I wanted, I stood up and started changing my clothes.

      Kihyun's pov
   Ugh, their screaming is interrupting my sleep. It's just a game, don't scream! 

   I lightly rubbed my eyes before opening them. I heard rustling noises beside me and turned my head. The first thing my eyes landed on was a name written on his left wrist. It's my name and it's even in my handwriting!

    This can't work out well. We're in a survival show, it's gonna be too competitive! I'm still only seventeen, I don't know for certain he's my soulmate!

   Before he could turn to look at me again, I closed my eyes and evened out my breathing. The light flicked off and I heard the bed above me creak. I laid in bed for a while, just thinking about my horrible hand writing on his beautiful caramel-toned skin. Eventually, I fell deep asleep.  

   Once I woke up early the next morning, I began to cook breakfast. I've never had to cook for twelve before so this was a bit of a challenge.

     I made a pot of coffee to help wake them up. As I was cooking, the other trainees made their way to the large kitchen table. 

    Wiping the metaphorical sweat from my eyebrow, I sat the multiple plates filled with pancakes, bacon, eggs, and hash browns. To make sure everyone was up I began counting them.

Ten, eleven. Alright, all eleven of us are here. Wait there's twelve of us! Sighing, I made my way into each bedroom in search of the last trainee.

Do these boys not know how to make their own beds? I guess I'll tell them fix them after breakfast, if not these rooms will look terrible!

The first two rooms are void of life, only room left to check is my own.

The first set of bunk beds were empty-and messy. My bunk was obviously empty too. The only bed filled is taken by the guy with my name on his wrist. 

I climbed the first two steps of the ladder and raised my arm to shake him awake. My hand hovered over his arm. I didn't think I could wake him up. He looked so peaceful, calmly sleeping atop the higher bed. Although I didn't want to, I had to wake him up so he could eat. 

"Come on, wake up! I made breakfast. If you don't get up and eat, don't complain to me later!" I exclaimed as I shook him. 

After about a minute of me shaking him, he woke up. I climbed down the ladder. He sat up and rubbed the sleep out of his eyes before descending the ladder. 

We walked out of the bedroom then into the kitchen. There we found not only the food I prepared, but a few members falling asleep into their plates or onto each other. The guy I woke up sat in an empty chair at the table. 

Sighing once again, I brought multiple cups of coffee and sat them in front of those sleeping trainees. The ones awake were quickly eating what they had on their plates. Seeing the guys enjoying my food brought a sense of pride to me. Making myself a plate, I grinned widely. 

"Yoo Kihyun this food is amazing!" Wonho exclaimed before eating more. My grin faltered a little, and the last male to sit at the table froze. 

"Yoo Kihyun.." he whispered as he looked at his wrist.

Edited: August 29, 2020

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