Chapter 32

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Trigger warning: suicide. It's not graphic, just a news headline.
Wonho's pov

I looked at Shownu and dryly laughed. "This time it's all my fault, huh?"
"What do you mean, Wonho?" Shownu asked as he put away his phone.
"I caused Kihyun to stress out so badly by kissing him and pressuring him. I didn't think this would happen, I swear, Shownu. I just thought, maybe, he would realized you weren't right for him. I didn't mean for this to happen." I mumbled. I couldn't cry anymore tears, they just wouldn't fall.
"Wait, you actually did kiss Kihyun? And you stressed him out so bad he crawled in my bed and passed out? Just how stupid are you?" Shownu growled, his face rigid with anger.
Shownu's anger had far surpassed being scalding hot; instead it would freeze hell over if given the chance. I'm surprised I didn't turn to ice from his freezing glare.
"Apparently I'm very stupid. I love him, too, Shownu. I didn't mean for this to happen." I lowered my guilt-filled head in shame.
"What do you mean you love him too? What about your own soulmate?" Shownu inquired, his cold gaze still didn't falter.
"For your first question, it's exactly as I said. I am in love with Kihyun as well, but he seems too stuck on you." I muttered.
I gave a fake smile and looked him in the eye. "For your second question, I never got to meet him. The same day his name appeared on my thigh, it was crossed. I tried to find his family, to find what had happened, and I really wish I didn't."

I woke excited up one morning, that day was my birthday. The most special birthday of all, my eighteenth birthday— the day when I find out who my other half is.
I couldn't wait to see the name on my wrist or thigh, my parents were just as excited as I was. I first looked at my wrist— nothing.
'That's okay, it should be on my thigh!' I thought to myself. I stood up from my warm bed and anxiously walked into the bathroom.
I pulled my shorts off of my legs and pulled together the courage to look at the name written on my thigh.
'Im Changkyun.' I read from my thigh. I didn't really mind that my soulmate was a guy, only that he would be perfect for me.
I immediately began searching around for his name on any social media I could, eventually I had found the right Changkyun.
I remembered I went to school with a Changkyun, but I didn't know he would be my soulmate. I never would have guessed the shy boy who wore all black would be my other half. But the minute I found the right one, I noticed the news headline at the top.
"Seventeen year old Im Changkyun found deceased in his bedroom, an apparent suicide."
My heart dropped as I looked down at my thigh. I had found the right Changkyun, only to lose him before I could properly meet him. I hadn't even realized His name was crossed out on my thigh.

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